
The German research community in the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is highly lively and manifold. The German HCI provides a platform for fascinating research, aspirating labs, and the exciting events of this community. Our roots lie in the organization of the German HCI events at the ACM CHI conference, where we invite attendees to join us for discussing and exchanging the latest of HCI research in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, we also started to support further community events within the German HCI community.

Currently, we are looking into ways how to grow and organize this PhD-led platform in the future. If you have any suggestions, feedback, thoughts, or want to join, please let us know!


The German HCI is a community effort driven by a dynamic and always-changing team of PhD students from different research labs. Please check out our various event pages to see who deserves the credit for organizing these!
In the following, we have listed currently active people that you can reach out to if you have any questions, as well as former members who notably influenced and shaped the German HCI.

Current Contact Persons

  • Sukran Karaosmanoglu (University of Hamburg) since 2023
  • René Schäfer (RWTH Aachen) since 2024
  • Johannes Zagermann (University of Konstanz) since 2017
  • Anke Reinschlüssel (University of Konstanz) since 2019

Website Technical Support

  • Heiko Müller (OFFIS – Institute for IT, Oldenburg)

Honorable Mentions & Alumni

  • Christina Schneegass (formerly: LMU München), 2017-2020
  • Teresa Hirzle (formerly: Ulm University), 2018-2020
  • Thijs Roumen (formerly: Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam), 2017-2019
  • Tom Horak (formerly: Technische Universität Dresden), 2018-2021
  • Sarah Prange (formerly: Bundeswehr University Munich), 2019-2022
  • Donald Degraen (formerly: DFKI, Saarland University), 2018-2022
  • Julian Rasch (LMU Munich) 2023-2024


We are more than happy to get in contact with you! Please do not hesitate to send us an email to:


If you’re interested in our research, you can get directly in contact with the authors of the publications or the labs in general. Also, you can check out our social media accounts on X and YouTube.