With 83 accepted papers and 34 LBWs, German researchers provided a sizable contribution to CHI 2020. Due to the cancellation of the conference, we wanted to honor the German contribution by organizing the Virtual German CHI Week. This event took place from May 25th – May 29th 2020.

Thank You!

We want to thank all authors, session chairs, and attendees for participating in the Virtual German CHI Week! All the presentations alongside with the interesting discussion contributed to making this an exciting and successful event with over 200 participants each day! We are currently compiling playlists with all recorded talks of the event and will provide them to you shortly.
The Organizers
We’re hoping to be able to meet all of you soon again! In case you have any questions or feedback, please email us via contact@germanhci.de
What to Expect
Through short paper presentations and panel discussions with international experts in the respective field, we aim to increase the visibility of the German HCI research and enable authors to receive valuable feedback on their work they would miss without CHI.
The event is open to everyone (with no registration required) and we hope to see many of you there. All talks and discussion will be in English!
The sessions will be hosted via a Zoom Webinar and allow for actively participating in the Q&As. In case you cannot or do not want to use Zoom, we will also live stream the sessions on YouTube. The sessions will not be recorded. After the last session on each day, we invite everyone to join us on Mozilla Hub for a after-work hangout.
For the latest updates, you can also follow our Facebook event page.
How to join:
Live stream on YouTube: germanhci.de/livestream
After-work on Mozilla Hubs: Will be linked in the schedule.
Format of Presentations & Sessions
Each session will comprise a set of pre-recorded paper talks (3 minute) and LBW lightning talks (1 minute), followed by a 20 minutes panel discussion. For each session, the panel will consist of the paper and LBW presenters of the respective session, invited experts of the field, and two session chairs moderating the discussion.
For each paper, the lead author should have received an email with a survey asking for participation. If you are the lead author of a CHI paper with at least one author with German affiliation, please contact us.
Format Late-Breaking Work
We are happy to further include all accepted german LBW submissions in the schedule of the Virtual German CHI event. For each LBW, the presenters are asked to submit a pre-recorded 1-minute lightning talk (3 slides max) to pitch their work.
Video Presentations
For you participation we kindly ask you to prepare a pre-recorded video of your talk (3min for papers, 1 min for LBW). We will take care of playing the videos at the event to keep up with our tight schedule.
Please, provide a download link to your video by filling this form by May 20.
The video should take 3 minutes for papers, 1 minute for LBW and be provided in mp4-format. Please note, that the panel discussions following the video presentations will be held live during the event. Therefore, please make sure that you or one of your co-authors can participate to be able to engage in a discussion and answer questions from the audience.
All authors of full papers and LBW submissions are asked to submit their pre-recorded talk by May 20th, 2020.
@All authors: We’re happy to link your recorded videos in the schedule! Please provide us with a publicly available link via email.