Publications @ CHI 2020

2020 in Numbers

This year, the German labs contribute 138 publications in total to the 2020 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. At the heart, there are 83 Papers, including 1 Best Paper and 14 Honorable Mentions. Further, we bring 34 Late-Breaking Works, 5 Demonstrations, 7 organized Workshops & Symposia, 2 Case Studies, 2 Journal Articles, 1 SIG, 1 SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award and 1 Student Game Competition to CHI this year. All these publications are listed below.

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Authentication Beyond Desktops and Smartphones: Novel Approaches for Smart Devices and Environments

Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich), Angela Sasse (Ruhr University Bochum), Daniel Vogel (University of Waterloo)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Authentication Beyond Desktops and Smartphones: Novel Approaches for Smart Devices and Environments

Designing Safety Critical Interactions: Hunting Down Human Error

Susanne Boll (University of Oldenburg), Philippe Palanque (Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III), Alexander G. Mirnig (University of Salzburg), Jessica Cauchard (Ben Gurion University of the Negev), Margareta Holtensdotter Lützhöft (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), Michael S. Feary (NASA Ames Research Center)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Everyday Proxy Objects for Virtual Reality

Florian Daiber (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus), Donald Degraen (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus), André Zenner (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus), Frank Steinicke (Universität Hamburg), Oscar Javier Ariza Núñez (Universität Hamburg), Adalberto L. Simeone (KU Leuven)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Everyday Proxy Objects for Virtual Reality

Exploring Potentially Abusive Ethical, Social and Political Implications of Mixed Reality Research in HCI

Jan Gugenheimer (Institute Polytechnique des Paris LTCI/Télécom Paris / Ulm University), Mark McGill (University of Glasgow), Samuel Huron (Institute Polytechnique des ParisI3/Télécom Paris), Christian Mai (LMU Munich), Julie Williamson (University of Glasgow), Michael Nebeling (University of Michigan)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

HCI Across Borders and Sustainable Development Goals

Neha Kumar (Georgia Institute of Technology), Vikram Kamath Cannanure (Carnegie Mellon University), Dilrukshi Gamage (University of Moratuwa), Annu Sible Prabhakar (University of Cincinnati), Christian Sturm (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences), Cuauhtémoc Rivera Loaiza (Universidad Michoacana), Dina Sable (University of Toronto), Md. Moinuddin Bhuiyan (Grameenphone Ltd.), Mario A. Moreno Rocha (University of St Andrews)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Momentary Emotion Elicitation and Capture (MEEC)

Abdallah El Ali (Centrum Wiskunde / Informatica Amsterdam), Monica Perusquía-Hernández (NTT Communication Science Laboratories Atsugi), Pete Denman (Intel Corp Portland), Yomna Abdelrahman (Bundeswehr University Munich), Mariam Hassib (Bundeswehr University Munich), Alexander Meschtscherjakov (University of Salzburg), Denzil Ferreira (University of Oulu), Niels Henze (University of Regensburg)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

SelfSustainableCHI: Self-Powered Sustainable Interfaces and Interactions

Yogesh Kumar Meena (Swansea University), Xing-Dong Yang (Dartmouth College), Markus Löchtefeld (Aalborg University), Matt Carnie (Swansea University), Niels Henze (University of Regensburg), Steve Hodges (Microsoft Research), Matt Jones (Swansea University), Nivedita Arora (Georgia Institute of Technolgy), Gregory D. Abowd (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Automated Vehicles in the Age of Climate Change

Shadan Sadeghian Borojeni (University of Siegen), Alexander Meschtscherjakov (University of Salzburg), Bastian Pfleging (Eindhoven University of Technology), Birsen Donmez (University of Toronto), Andreas Riener (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI)), Christian P. Janssen (Utrecht University), Andrew L. Kun (University of New Hampshire), Wendy Ju (Cornell Tech), Christian Remy (Aarhus University), Philipp Wintersberger (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI))

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links: