Publications @ CHI 2021

We are happy to present you this year’s contributions from the German HCI labs to CHI 2021! Feel free to browse our list of publications: There are 53 full papers (including one Best Paper and five Honorable Mentions), 16 LBWs, and many demonstrations, workshops, or other interesting publications. Please send us a mail if you feel that your paper is missing or to correct any entries.

“It's a kind of art!”: Understanding Food Influencers as Influential Content Creators

Philip Weber (Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Siegen) and Thomas Ludwig (Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Siegen), Sabrina Brodesser (Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Siegen), Laura Grönewald (Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Siegen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

“It's a kind of art!”: Understanding Food Influencers as Influential Content Creators

A Closer Look at Machine Learning Code

Thomas Weber (LMU Munich), Christina Winiker (LMU Munich), Heinrich Hußmann (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

A Critical Assessment of the Use of SSQ as a Measure of General Discomfort in VR Head-Mounted Displays

Teresa Hirzle (Ulm University), Maurice Cordts (Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University), Jan Gugenheimer (Télécom Paris), Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

A Study on the Size of Tangible Organ-Shaped Controllers for Exploring Medical Data in VR

Anke V. Reinschluessel (Universität Bremen), Thomas Muender (Universität Bremen), Tanja Döring (Universität Bremen), Verena Uslar (Universitätsklinik für Viszeralchirurgie), Thomas Lück (cirp GmbH), Dirk Weyhe (Universitätsklinik für Viszeralchirurgie), Andrea Schenk (Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS), Rainer Malaka (Universität Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

A Study on the Size of Tangible Organ-Shaped Controllers for Exploring Medical Data in VR

A Taxonomy of Vulnerable Road Users for HCI Based On A Systematic Literature Review

Kai Holländer (LMU Munich), Mark Colley (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Andreas Butz (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

A Taxonomy of Vulnerable Road Users for HCI Based On A Systematic Literature Review

ActPad – A Smart Desk Platform to Enable User Interaction with IoT Devices

Sarah Delgado Rodriguez (Bundeswehr University Munich, LMU Munich), Sarah Prange (Bundeswehr University Munich, LMU Munich), Lukas Mecke (Bundeswehr University Munich, LMU Munich), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

ActPad – A Smart Desk Platform to Enable User Interaction with IoT Devices

Artificially Intelligent Technology for the Margins: A Multidisciplinary Design Agenda

Franziska Tachtler (TU Wien), Konstantin Aal (University of Siegen), Tanja Ertl (University of Siegen), Daniel Diethei (University of Bremen), Jasmin Niess (University of Bremen), Mohammed Khwaja (Imperial College London), Reem Talhouk (Northumbria University), Giovanna Nunes Vilaza (Technical University of Denmark), Shaimaa Lazem (City of Scientific Research, Technological Applications), Aneesha Singh (University College London), Marguerite Barry (University College Dublin), Volker Wulf (University of Siegen), Geraldine Fitzpatrick (TU Wien)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

assembler3: 3D Reconstruction of Laser-Cut Models

Thijs Roumen (Hasso Plattner Institute), Yannis Kommana (Hasso Plattner Institute), Ingo Apel (Hasso Plattner Institute), Conrad Lempert (Hasso Plattner Institute), Markus Brand (Hasso Plattner Institute), Erik Brendel (Hasso Plattner Institute), Laurenz Seidel (Hasso Plattner Institute), Lukas Rambold (Hasso Plattner Institute), Carl Goedecken (Hasso Plattner Institute), Pascal Crenzin (Hasso Plattner Institute), Ben Hurdelhey (Hasso Plattner Institute), Muhammad Abdullah (Hasso Plattner Institute), Patrick Baudisch (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

assembler3: 3D Reconstruction of Laser-Cut Models

Assisting Manipulation and Grasping in Robot Teleoperation with Augmented Reality Visual Cues

Stephanie Arevalo Arboleda (Westfälische Hochschule), Franziska Rücker (Westfälische Hochschule), Tim Dierks (Westfälische Hochschule), Jens Gerken (Westfälische Hochschule)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

BodyStylus: Freehand On-Body Design and Fabrication of Epidermal Interfaces

Narjes Pourjafarian (Saarland Informatics Campus), Marion Koelle (Saarland Informatics Campus), Bruno Fruchard (Saarland Informatics Campus), Sahar Mavali (Saarland Informatics Campus), Konstantin Klamka (Technische Universität Dresden), Daniel Groeger (Saarland Informatics Campus), Paul Strohmeier (Saarland Informatics Campus), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland Informatics Campus)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

BodyStylus: Freehand On-Body Design and Fabrication of Epidermal Interfaces

ClothTiles: Fabricating Customized Actuators on Textiles using 3D Printing and Shape-Memory Alloys

Sachith Muthukumarana (University of Auckland), Moritz Messerschmidt (University of Auckland), Denys Matthies (Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University), Philipp Scholl (University of Auckland), Suranga Nanayakkara (University of Auckland)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

ClothTiles: Fabricating Customized Actuators on Textiles using 3D Printing and Shape-Memory Alloys

Comparison of Different Types of Augmented Reality Visualizations for Instructions

Florian Jasche (University of Siegen), Sven Hoffmann (University of Siegen), Thomas Ludwig (University of Siegen), Volker Wulf (University of Siegen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Comparison of Different Types of Augmented Reality Visualizations for Instructions

Coping with Messiness in Ethnography: Authority, Bias and Immersion in ethnographic Fieldwork in the non-Western World

Marios Mouratidis (University of Siegen), Sarah Rüller (University of Siegen), Konstantin Aal (University of Siegen), Nina Boulus-Rødje (Roskilde University), Shaimaa Lazem (City of Scientifc Research, Technological Applications), Anicia Peters (Namibia University of Science, Technology), Simon Holdermann (University of Cologne), Vasilis Vlachokyriakos (Newcastle University), Ann Light (University of Sussex), Dave Randall (University of Siegen), Volker Wulf (University of Siegen)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Creepy Technology: What Is It and How Do You Measure It?

Paweł W. Woźniak (Utrecht University), Jakob Karolus (LMU Munich), Florian Lang (LMU Munich), Caroline Eckerth (LMU Munich), Johannes Schöning (University of Bremen), Yvonne Rogers (University College London, University of Bremen), Jasmin Niess (University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Current Practices, Challenges, and Design Implications for Collaborative AR/VR Application Development

Veronika Krauß (Fraunhofer FIT, Universität Siegen), Alexander Boden (Fraunhofer FIT, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg), Leif Oppermann (Fraunhofer FIT), René Reiners (Fraunhofer FIT)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Cycling@CHI: Towards a Research Agenda for HCI in the Bike Lane

Gian-Luca Savino (University of Bremen), Tamara von Sawitzky (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt), Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Miriam Sturdee (Lancaster University), Paweł W. Woźniak (Utrecht University), Markus Löchtefeld (Aalborg University), Andrew L. Kun (University of New Hampshire), Andreas Riener (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt), Jonna Häkkilä (University of Lapland)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Cycling@CHI: Towards a Research Agenda for HCI in the Bike Lane

Decolonizing HCI Across Borders

Vikram Kamath Cannanure (Carnegie Mellon University), Dilrukshi Gamage (University of Moratuwa), Christian Sturm (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences), Heike Winschiers-Theophilus (Namibia University of Science, Technology), F. Maestre (Indiana University Bloomington), Naveena Karusala (University of Washington), Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar (MIT), Neha Kumar (Georgia Tech)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Designing for New Forms of Vulnerability: Exploring transformation and empowerment in times of COVID-19

David Struzek (University of Siegen, Information Systems/IT for the ageing society, Germany), Katerina Cerna University of Siegen, Information Systems/IT for the ageing society, Germany), Richard Paluch University of Siegen, Information Systems/IT for the ageing society, Germany), Sven Bittenbinder University of Siegen, Information Systems/IT for the ageing society, Germany), Claudia Müller (University of Siegen, Information Systems/IT for the ageing society, Germany), Arlind Reuter (Open Lab, Newcastle University, United Kingdom), Lydia Stamato (Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States), Özge Subasi (College of Social Sciences, Humanities at Koc University, Turkey), Foad Hamidi (Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States), John Vines (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Effects of Semantic Segmentation Visualization on Trust, Situation Awareness, and Cognitive Load in Highly Automated Vehicles

Mark Colley (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Benjamin Eder (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Jan Ole Rixen (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Effects of Semantic Segmentation Visualization on Trust, Situation Awareness, and Cognitive Load in Highly Automated Vehicles

Eliciting and Analysing Users’ Envisioned Dialogues with Perfect Voice Assistants

Sarah Theres Völkel (LMU Munich), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth), Malin Eiband (LMU Munich), Benjamin R. Cowan (University College Dublin), Heinrich Hussmann (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Eliciting and Analysing Users’ Envisioned Dialogues with Perfect Voice Assistants

EMPiano: Electromyographic Pitch Control on the Piano Keyboard

Annika Kilian (LMU Munich), Jakob Karolus (LMU Munich), Thomas Kosch (TU Darmstadt), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Paweł W. Woźniak (Utrecht University)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

EMPiano: Electromyographic Pitch Control on the Piano Keyboard

Ethical User Interfaces: Exploring the Effects of Dark Patterns on Facebook

Thomas Mildner (University of Bremen), Gian-Luca Savino (Human-Computer Interaction)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Ethical User Interfaces: Exploring the Effects of Dark Patterns on Facebook

Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality

Dmitry Alexandrovsky (University of Bremen, Digital Media Lab), Susanne Putze (University of Bremen, Digital Media Lab), Valentin Schwind (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences), Elisa D Mekler (Aalto University), Jan David Smeddinck (Newcastle University), Denise Kahl (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus), Antonio Krüger (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Rainer Malaka (University of Bremen, Digital Media Lab)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Evaluation in Human-Computer Interaction – Beyond Lab Studies

Albrecht Schmidt (LMU München), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich), Ville Mäkelä (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Course | Links:

Everyday Proxy Objects for Virtual Reality

Florian Daiber (DFKI), Donald Degraen (DFKI), André Zenner (DFKI), Tanja Döring (University of Bremen), Frank Steinicke (Universität Hamburg), Oscar Javier Ariza Núñez (Universität Hamburg), Adalberto L. Simeone (KU Leuven)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Everyday Proxy Objects for Virtual Reality

Exploring Augmented Visual Alterations in Interpersonal Communication

Jan Ole Rixen (Ulm University), Mark Colley (Ulm University), Yannick Etzel (Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University), Jan Gugenheimer (Télécom Paris)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Exploring Augmented Visual Alterations in Interpersonal Communication

Eyecam: Revealing Relations Between Humans and Sensing Devices Through an Anthropomorphic Webcam

Marc Teyssier (Saarland University), Marion Koelle (Saarland University), Paul Strohmeier (Saarland University), Bruno Fruchard (Saarland University), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Eyecam: Revealing Relations Between Humans and Sensing Devices Through an Anthropomorphic Webcam

Fake Moods: Can Users Trick an Emotion-Aware VoiceBot?

Yong Ma (LMU Munich), Heiko Drewes (LMU Munich), Andreas Butz (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Fastforce: Real-Time Reinforcement of Laser-Cut Structures

Muhammad Abdullah (Hasso Plattner Institute), Martin Taraz (Hasso Plattner Institute), Yannis Kommana (Hasso Plattner Institute), Shohei Katakura (Hasso Plattner Institute), Robert Kovacs (Hasso Plattner Institute), Jotaro Shigeyama (Hasso Plattner Institute), Thijs Roumen (Hasso Plattner Institute), Patrick Baudisch (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Fastforce: Real-Time Reinforcement of Laser-Cut Structures

Feels like Team Spirit: Biometric and Strategic Interdependence in Asymmetric Multiplayer VR Games

Sukran Karaosmanoglu (Universität Hamburg), Katja Rogers (University of Waterloo), Dennis Wolf (Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University), Frank Steinicke (Universität Hamburg), Lennart E. Nacke (University of Waterloo)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Feels like Team Spirit: Biometric and Strategic Interdependence in Asymmetric Multiplayer VR Games

Fighting Fires and Powering Steam Locomotives: Distribution of Control and Its Role in Social Interaction at Tangible Interactive Museum Exhibits

Loraine Clarke, Eva Hornecker, Ian Ruthven

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

From Detectables to Inspectables: Understanding Qualitative Analysis of Audiovisual Data

Krishna Subramanian (RWTH Aachen University), Johannes Maas (RWTH Aachen University), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University), and Jim Hollan (University of California, San Diego)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

From Detectables to Inspectables: Understanding Qualitative Analysis of Audiovisual Data

GestureMap: Supporting Visual Analytics and Quantitative Analysis of Motion Elicitation Data by Learning 2D Embeddings

Hai Dang (University of Bayreuth), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

GestureMap: Supporting Visual Analytics and Quantitative Analysis of Motion Elicitation Data by Learning 2D Embeddings

Grand Challenges in Immersive Analytics

Barrett Ens (Monash University), Benjamin Bach (University of Edinburgh), Maxime Cordeil (Monash University), Ulrich Engelke (CSIRO Data61), Marcos Serrano (IRIT - University of Toulouse), Wesley Willett (University of Calgary), Arnaud Prouzeau (Inria + Monash University), Christoph Anthes (HIVE, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria), Wolfgang Büschel (Technische Universität Dresden), Cody Dunne (Northeastern University Khoury), Tim Dwyer (Monash University), Jens Grubert (Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Arts), Jason H. Haga (Digital Architecture Promotion Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science, Technology), Nurit Kirshenbaum (LAVA, University of Hawaii at Manoa), Dylan Kobayashi (LAVA, University of Hawaii at Manoa), Tica Lin (Harvard University), Monsurat Olaosebikan (Tufts University), Fabian Pointecker (HIVE, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria), David Saffo (Northeastern University Khoury), Nazmus Saquib (MIT Media Lab), Dieter Schmalstieg (Graz University of Technology), Danielle Albers Szafir (University of Colorado Boulder), Matthew Whitlock (University of Colorado Boulder), Yalong Yang (Harvard University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Grand Challenges in Immersive Analytics

HaRT - The Virtual Reality Hand Redirection Toolkit

André Zenner (Saarland University & DFKI), Hannah Maria Kriegler (Saarland University & DFKI), Antonio Krüger (Saarland University & DFKI)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

HaRT - The Virtual Reality Hand Redirection Toolkit

Hidden Interaction Techniques: Concealed Information Acquisition and Texting on Smartphones and Wearables

Ville Mäkelä (LMU Munich), Johannes Kleine (LMU Munich), Maxine Hood (Wellesley College), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Hidden Interaction Techniques: Concealed Information Acquisition and Texting on Smartphones and Wearables


Sebastian Linxen (University of Basel), Christian Sturm (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences), Florian Brühlmann (University of Basel), Vincent Cassau (Hochschule Hamm- Lippstadt), Klaus Opwis (University of Basel), Katharina Reinecke (University of Washington)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Hummer: Text Entry by Gaze and Hum

Ramin Hedeshy (University of Stuttgart), Chandan Kumar (University of Stuttgart), Raphael Menges (University of Koblenz), Steffen Staab (University of Stuttgart, University of Southhampton)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Hummer: Text Entry by Gaze and Hum

Investigating Document Layout and Placement Strategies for Collaborative Sensemaking in Augmented Reality

Weizhou Luo (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Anke Lehmann (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Yushan Yang (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Investigating Document Layout and Placement Strategies for Collaborative Sensemaking in Augmented Reality

Investigating Simple Privacy Indicators for Supporting Users when Installing New Mobile Apps

Alina Stöver (Technical University of Darmstadt), Nina Gerber (Technical University of Darmstadt), Sushma Kaushik (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt), Karola Marky (University of Glasgow, Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Investigating the Impact of Real-World Environments on the Perception of 2D Visualizations in Augmented Reality

Marc Satkowski (Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Technische Universität Dresden)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Investigating the Impact of Real-World Environments on the Perception of 2D Visualizations in Augmented Reality

It Takes More Than One Hand to Clap: On the Role of ‘Care’ in Maintaining Design Results

Max Krüger (Universität Siegen), Anne Weibert (Universität Siegen), Débora de Castro Leal (Universität Siegen), Dave Randall (Universität Siegen), Volker Wulf (Universität Siegen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Itsy-Bits: Fabrication and Recognition of 3D-Printed Tangibles with Small Footprints on Capacitive Touchscreens

Martin Schmitz (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt), Jan Riemann (Technical University of Darmstadt), Huy Viet Le (University of Stuttgart)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Itsy-Bits: Fabrication and Recognition of 3D-Printed Tangibles with Small Footprints on Capacitive Touchscreens

KiTT - The Kinaesthetics Transfer Teacher: Design and Evaluation of a Tablet-based System to Promote the Learning of Ergonomic Patient Transfers

Maximilian Dürr (University of Konstanz), Marcel Borowski (Aarhus University), Carla Gröschel (University of Konstanz), Ulrike Pfeil (University of Konstanz), Jens Müller (University of Konstanz), Harald Reiterer (University of Konstanz)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

KiTT - The Kinaesthetics Transfer Teacher: Design and Evaluation of a Tablet-based System to Promote the Learning of Ergonomic Patient Transfers

Let's Frets! Mastering Guitar Playing with Capacitive Sensing and Visual Guidance

Karola Marky (Technical University of Darmstadt), Andreas Weiß (Music School Schallkultur), Florian Müller (Technical University of Darmstadt), Martin Schmitz (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt), Thomas Kosch (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

Let's Frets! Mastering Guitar Playing with Capacitive Sensing and Visual Guidance

Let’s Frets! Assisting Guitar Students during Practice via Capacitive Sensing

Karola Marky (Technical University of Darmstadt), Andreas Weiß (Musical School Schallkultur), Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Brandherm (Technical University of Darmstadt), Sebastian Wolf (Technical University of Darmstadt), Martin Schmitz (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Krell (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt), Thomas Kosch (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Let’s Frets! Assisting Guitar Students during Practice via Capacitive Sensing

Let’s Share a Ride into the Future: A Qalitative Study Comparing Hypothetical Implementation Scenarios of Automated Vehicles

Martina Schuß (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt), Philipp Wintersberger (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt), Andreas Riener (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt )

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

LYLO – Exploring Disclosed Configurations for Inter-Personal Location Sharing

Christina Schneegass (LMU Munich), Diana Irmscher (LMU Munich), Florian Bemmann (LMU Munich), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

LYLO – Exploring Disclosed Configurations for Inter-Personal Location Sharing

Machine Learning Uncertainty as a Design Material: A Post-Phenomenological Inquiry into Pragmatic Concepts for Design Research

Jesse Josua Benjamin (UTwente), Arne Berger (HS Anhalt), Nick Merrill (UC Berkeley), James Pierce (University of Washington)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Machine Learning Uncertainty as a Design Material: A Post-Phenomenological Inquiry into Pragmatic Concepts for Design Research

Making Sense of Complex Running Metrics Using a Modified Running Shoe

Paweł W. Woźniak (Utrecht University), Monika Zbytniewska (ETH Zurich), Francisco Kiss (BETESO - Bürger Electronic GmbH), Jasmin Niess (University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

MARVIS: Combining Mobile Devices and Augmented Reality for Visual Data Analysis

Ricardo Langner (Technische Universität Dresden), Marc Satkowski (Technische Universität Dresden), Wolfgang Büschel (Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Technische Universität Dresden)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

MARVIS: Combining Mobile Devices and Augmented Reality for Visual Data Analysis

MEMEography: Understanding Users Through Internet Memes

Annika Kaltenhauser (Ergosign GmbH & LMU Munich), Nađa Terzimehić (LMU Munich), Andreas Butz (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

MEMEography: Understanding Users Through Internet Memes

MIRIA: A Mixed Reality Toolkit for the In-Situ Visualization and Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Interaction Data

Wolfgang Büschel (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Anke Lehmann (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

MIRIA: A Mixed Reality Toolkit for the In-Situ Visualization and Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Interaction Data

Oh, Snap! A Fabrication Pipeline to Magnetically Connect Conventional and 3D-Printed Electronics

Martin Schmitz (Technical University of Darmstadt), Jan Riemann (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (Technical University of Darmstadt), Steffen Kreis (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Best Paper, Full Paper | Links:

Oh, Snap! A Fabrication Pipeline to Magnetically Connect Conventional and 3D-Printed Electronics

On Activism and Academia: Reflecting Together and Sharing Experiences Among Critical Friends

Debora de Castro Leal (University of Siegen), Angelika Strohmayer (Northumbria University), Max Krüger (University of Siegen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

On Ubiquitous Technology, a Digital World and their Influence on People's Feeling and Control of Presence in Everyday Life

Nađa Terzimehić (LMU Munich), Ceenu George (LMU Munich), Renate Häuslschmid (University of Freiburg), Heinrich Hussmann (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

On Ubiquitous Technology, a Digital World and their Influence on People's Feeling and Control of Presence in Everyday Life

Out of Your Mind!? Embodied Interaction in Sports

Vincent van Rheden (University of Salzburg), Thomas Grah (University of Salzburg), Alexander Meschtscherjakov (University of Salzburg), Rakesh Patibanda (Monash University), Wanyu Liu (IRCAM Centre Pompidou), Florian Daiber (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Elise van den Hoven (University of Technology Sydney, Eindhoven University of Technology), Florian Floyd Mueller (Monash University)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Physiological and Perceptual Responses to Athletic Avatars while Cycling in Virtual Reality

Martin Kocur (University of Regensburg), Florian Habler (University of Regensburg), Valentin Schwind (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences), Paweł W. Woźniak (Utrecht University), Christian Wolff (University of Regensburg), Niels Henze (University of Regensburg)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Potential of Wrist-worn Vibrotactile Feedback to Enhance the Perception of Virtual Objects during Mid-air Gestures

Michael Kronester (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt), Andreas Riener (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt), Teo Babic (BMW Group)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Potential of Wrist-worn Vibrotactile Feedback to Enhance the Perception of Virtual Objects during Mid-air Gestures

PriView - Exploring Visualisations to Support Users' Privacy Awareness

Sarah Prange (Bundeswehr University Munich, LMU Munich), Ahmed Shams (German University in Cairo), Robin Piening (LMU Munich), Yomna Abdelrahman (Bundeswehr University Munich), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

PriView - Exploring Visualisations to Support Users' Privacy Awareness

Quantified Cycling Safety: Towards a Mobile Sensing Platform to Understand Perceived Safety of Cyclists

Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Heller (Hasselt University), Bastian Pfleging (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Quantified Cycling Safety: Towards a Mobile Sensing Platform to Understand Perceived Safety of Cyclists

Questionnaires and Qualitative Feedback Methods to Measure User Experience in Mixed Reality

Tobias Drey (Ulm University), Michael Rietzler (Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Other | Links:

Quick, Print This Page! The Value of Analogue Media in a Digital World

Luke Haliburton (LMU Munich), Matthias Hoppe (LMU Munich), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Thomas Kosch (TU Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: alt.chi | Links:

Quick, Print This Page! The Value of Analogue Media in a Digital World

Reading in VR: The Effect of Text Presentation Type and Location

Rufat Rzayev (University of Regensburg), Polina Ugnivenko (University of Regensburg), Sarah Graf (University of Regensburg), Valentin Schwind (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences), Niels Henze (University of Regensburg)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Real-World Presence in the Era of Ubiquitous Computing

Nađa Terzimehić (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Other | Links:

Real-World Presence in the Era of Ubiquitous Computing

ReverseORC: Reverse Engineering of Resizable User Interface Layouts with OR-Constraints

Yue Jiang (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (Simon Fraser University), Christof Lutteroth (University of Bath)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

ReverseORC: Reverse Engineering of Resizable User Interface Layouts with OR-Constraints

Serious Snacking: A Survival Analysis of how Snacking Mechanics Affect Attrition in a Mobile Serious Game

Dmitry Alexandrovsky (DMLab, University of Bremen), Maximilian Achim Friehs (University College Dublin), Jendrik Grittner (University of Bremen), Susanne Putze (DMLab, University of Bremen), Max V. Birk (Eindhoven University of Technology), Rainer Malaka (DMLab, University of Bremen), Regan L. Mandryk (University of Saskatchewan)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Sharing Heartbeats: Motivations of Citizen Scientists in Times of Crises

Daniel Diethei (University of Bremen), Jasmin Niess (University of Bremen), Carolin Stellmacher (University of Bremen), Evropi Stefanidi (University of Bremen), Johannes Schöning (University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Shortcut Gestures for Mobile Text Editing on Fully Touch Sensitive Smartphones

Huy Viet Le (University of Stuttgart), Sven Mayer (LMU Munich), Maximilian Weiß (University of Stuttgart), Jonas Vogelsang (University of Stuttgart), Henrike Weingärtner (University of Stuttgart), Niels Henze (University of Regensburg)

Abstract | Tags: | Links:

SoloFinger: Robust Microgestures while Grasping Everyday Object

Adwait Sharma (Saarland Informatics Campus), Michael A. Hedderich (Saarland Informatics Campus) and Divyanshu Bhardwaj (Saarland Informatics Campus), Bruno Fruchard (Saarland Informatics Campus), Jess McIntosh (University of Copenhagen), Aditya Shekhar Nittala (Saarland Informatics Campus), Dietrich Klakow (Saarland Informatics Campus), Daniel Ashbrook (University of Copenhagen), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland Informatics Campus)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

SoloFinger: Robust Microgestures while Grasping Everyday Object

SpatialProto: Exploring Real-World Motion Captures for Rapid Prototyping of Interactive Mixed Reality

Leon Müller (LMU Munich, Germany), Ken Pfeuffer (Bundeswehr University Munich), Jan Gugenheimer (Télécom Paris - LTCI Institut, Polytechnique de Paris, Paris, France), Bastian Pfleging (Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany), Sarah Prange (Bundeswehr University Munich, Munich, Germany, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich, Munich, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

SpatialProto: Exploring Real-World Motion Captures for Rapid Prototyping of Interactive Mixed Reality

Squish This: Force Input on Soft Surfaces for Visual Targeting Tasks

Bruno Fruchard (Saarland Informatics Campus), Paul Strohmeier (Saarland Informatics Campus), Roland Bennewitz (Leibniz Institute for New Materials), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland Informatics Campus)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Squish This: Force Input on Soft Surfaces for Visual Targeting Tasks

STREAM: Exploring the Combination of Spatially-Aware Tablets with Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays for Immersive Analytics

Sebastian Hubenschmid (University of Konstanz), Johannes Zagermann (University of Konstanz), Simon Butscher (University of Konstanz), Harald Reiterer (University of Konstanz)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

STREAM: Exploring the Combination of Spatially-Aware Tablets with Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays for Immersive Analytics

The Development and Validation of the Technology-Supported Reflection Inventory

Marit Bentvelzen (Utrecht University), Jasmin Niess (University of Bremen), Mikołaj P. Woźniak (Lodz University of Technology), Paweł W. Woźniak (Utrecht University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

The Impact of Multiple Parallel Phrase Suggestions on Email Input and Composition Behaviour of Native and Non-Native English Writers

Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth), Martin Zürn (LMU Munich), Malin Eiband (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

The Impact of Multiple Parallel Phrase Suggestions on Email Input and Composition Behaviour of Native and Non-Native English Writers

The Role of Social Presence for Cooperation in Augmented Reality on Head Mounted Devices

Niklas Osmers (TU Clausthal), Michael Prilla (TU Clausthal), Oliver Blunk (TU Clausthal), Gordon Brown (TU Clausthal), Marc Janssen (TU Clausthal), Nicolas Kahrl (TU Clausthal)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

The Technology-Mediated Reflection Model: Barriers and Assistance in Data-Driven Reflection

Marit Bentvelzen (Utrecht University), Jasmin Niess (University of Bremen), Paweł W. Woźniak (Utrecht University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Think Harder! Investigating the Effect of Password Strength on Cognitive Load during Password Creation

Yasmeen Abdrabou (Bundeswehr University Munich), Yomna Abdelrahman (Bundeswehr University Munich), Mohamed Khamis (University of Glasgow), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Understanding Everyday Experiences of Reminiscence for People Living with Blindness: Practices, Tensions and Probing New Design Possibilities.

MinYoung Yoo (SFU Surrey), William Odom (SFU Surrey), Arne Berger (HS Anhalt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Understanding the Design Space of Embodied Passwords Based on Muscle Memory

Rosa van Koningsbruggen, Bart Hengeveld, Jason Alexander

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Understanding User Identification in Virtual Reality Through Behavioral Biometrics and the Effect of Body Normalization

Jonathan Liebers (University of Duisburg-Essen), Mark Abdelaziz (German University in Cairo), Lukas Mecke (Bundeswehr University Munich), Alia Saad (University of Duisburg-Essen), Jonas Auda (University of Duisburg-Essen), Uwe Grünefeld (University of Duisburg-Essen), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich), Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Understanding User Identification in Virtual Reality Through Behavioral Biometrics and the Effect of Body Normalization

Ungrounded Vari-Dimensional Tactile Fingertip Feedback for Virtual Object Interaction

Eric M. Young (University of Pennsylvania & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Katherine J. Kuchenbecker (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Ungrounded Vari-Dimensional Tactile Fingertip Feedback for Virtual Object Interaction

VirtualLadder: Using Interactive Projections for Agility Ladder Training

Felix Kosmalla (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Fabian Hupperich (Saarland Informatics Campus), Anke Hirsch (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Florian Daiber (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Antonio Krüger (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

VirtualLadder: Using Interactive Projections for Agility Ladder Training

Visual Interactive Privacy Policy: The Better Choice?

Daniel Reinhardt (PsyErgo), Johannes Borchard (Vogel Communications Group), Jörn Hurtienne (PsyErgo)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Visuo-haptic Illusions for Linear Translation and Stretching using Physical Proxies in Virtual Reality

Martin Feick (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Niko Kleer (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), André Zenner (Saarland University & DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Anthony Tang (University of Toronto), Antonio Krüger (DFKI, Saarland Informatic Campus)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Visuo-haptic Illusions for Linear Translation and Stretching using Physical Proxies in Virtual Reality

VRsneaky: Stepping into an Audible Virtual World with Gait-Aware Auditory Feedback

Felix Dietz (Bundeswehr University Munich), Matthias Hoppe (LMU Munich), Jakob Karolus (LMU Munich), Pawel Wozniak (Utrecht University), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Tonja Machulla (LMU Munich)

Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

VRsneaky: Stepping into an Audible Virtual World with Gait-Aware Auditory Feedback

VRtangibles: Assisting Children in Creating Virtual Scenes using Tangible Objects and Touch Input

Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Marcel Langer (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (Technical University of Darmstadt), Martin Schmitz (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

VRtangibles: Assisting Children in Creating Virtual Scenes using Tangible Objects and Touch Input