Publications @ CHI 2022

Find a list of our publications at CHI 2022 below. There is also a schedule highlighting our talks. Your own publication is missing? Send us an email:

(Don't) stand by me: How trait psychopathy and NPC emotion influence player perceptions, verbal responses, and movement behaviours in a gaming task

Martin Johannes Dechant (University of Saskatchewan), Robin Welsch (LMU Munich), Julian Frommel (University of Saskatchewan), Regan Mandryk (University of Saskatchewan)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

"I Didn't Catch That, But I'll Try My Best'': Anticipatory Error Handling in a Voice Controlled Game

Nima Zargham (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Johannes Pfau (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Tobias Schnackenberg (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Rainer Malaka (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

"I Want It That Way": Exploring Users' Customization and Personalization Preferences for Home Assistants

Nima Zargham (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Dmitry Alexandrovsky (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Jan Erich (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Nina Wenig (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Rainer Malaka (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

"Where did you first meet the owner?'' -- Exploring Usable Authentication for Smart Home Visitors

Sarah Prange (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, LMU Munich), Sarah Delgado Rodriguez (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), Timo Döding (LMU Munich), Florian Alt (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

"Where did you first meet the owner?'' -- Exploring Usable Authentication for Smart Home Visitors

"Your Eyes Tell You Have Used This Password Before": Identifying Password Reuse from Gaze and Keystroke Dynamics

Yasmeen Abdrabou (Bundeswehr University Munich, University of Glasgow), Johannes Schütte (Bundeswehr University Munich), Ahmed Shams (Fatura LLC Egypt), Ken Pfeuffer (Aarhus University, Bundeswehr University Munich), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth), Mohamed Khamis (University of Glasgow), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Accessibility-Related Publication Distribution in HCI Based on a Meta-Analysis

Mark Colley (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Taras Kränzle (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Accessibility-Related Publication Distribution in HCI Based on a Meta-Analysis

Actuated Materials and Soft Robotics Strategies for Human Computer Interaction Design

Anke Brocker (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany), Dr. Jose A. Barreiros (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States) and Ali Shtarbanov (MIT Media Lab, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States), Kristian Gohlke (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany), Ozgun Kilic Afsar (Media Technology & Interaction Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; MIT Media Lab, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States), Sören Schröder( RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Actuated Materials and Soft Robotics Strategies for Human Computer Interaction Design

ADHD and Technology Research -- Investigated by Neurodivergent Readers

Katta Spiel (Human-Computer Interaction Group, TU Wien), Eva Hornecker (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Rua Mae Williams (University of Florida), Judith Good (University of Sussex)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Automated Vehicles as a Space for Work & Wellbeing

Bastian Pfleging (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Andrew L Kun (University of New Hampshire), Orit Shaer (Wellesley College)

Abstract | Tags: Course | Links:

Automating Contextual Privacy Policies: Design and Evaluation of a Production Tool for Digital Consumer Privacy Awareness

Maximiliane Windl (LMU Munich), Niels Henze (University of Regensburg), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Sebastian S. Feger (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Automating Contextual Privacy Policies: Design and Evaluation of a Production Tool for Digital Consumer Privacy Awareness

AvatAR: An Immersive Analysis Environment for Human Motion Data Combining Interactive 3D Avatars and Trajectories

Patrick Reipschläger (Autodesk Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Technische Universität Dresden Dresden, Germany), Frederik Brudy (Autodesk Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Raimund Dachselt (Technische Universität Dresden Dresden, Germany), Justin Matejka (Autodesk Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), George Fitzmaurice (Autodesk Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Fraser Anderson (Autodesk Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

AvatAR: An Immersive Analysis Environment for Human Motion Data Combining Interactive 3D Avatars and Trajectories

BikeAR: Understanding Cyclists’ Crossing Decision-Making at Uncontrolled Intersections using Augmented Reality

Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Dominik Schön (Technical University of Darmstadt), Paul Seesemann (Technical University of Darmstadt), Sebastian Günther (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

BikeAR: Understanding Cyclists’ Crossing Decision-Making at Uncontrolled Intersections using Augmented Reality

cARdLearner: Using Expressive Virtual Agents when Learning Vocabulary in Augmented Reality

Aimée Sousa Calepso (University of Stuttgart), Natalie Hube (University of Stuttgart), Noah Berenguel Senn (University of Stuttgart), Vincent Brandt (University of Stuttgart), Michael Sedlmair (University of Stuttgart)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Care Workers Making Use of Robots: Results of a Three-Month Study on Human-Robot Interaction within a Care Home

Felix Carros (Information Systems, New Media, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Isabel Schwaninger (HCI Group, Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria), Adrian Preussner (Information Systems, New Media, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Dave Randall (Information Systems, New Media, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Rainer Wieching (Information Systems, New Media, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Geraldine Fitzpatrick (TU Wien, Vienna, Austria), Volker Wulf (Institute of Information Systems, New Media, Siegen, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Consent in the Age of AR: Investigating The Comfort With Displaying Personal Information in Augmented Reality

Jan Ole Rixen (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Mark Colley (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Ali Askari (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Jan Gugenheimer (Télécom Paris - LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Designing Visuo-Haptic Illusions with Proxies in Virtual Reality: Exploration of Grasp, Movement Trajectory and Object Mass

Martin Feick (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Kora P. Regitz (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus), Anthony Tang (University of Toronto), Antonio Krüger (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Designing Visuo-Haptic Illusions with Proxies in Virtual Reality: Exploration of Grasp, Movement Trajectory and Object Mass

E-ScootAR: Exploring Unimodal Warnings for E-Scooter Riders in Augmented Reality

Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Dominik Schön (Technical University of Darmstadt), Régis Fayard (Technical University of Darmstadt), Salar Abaspur (Technical University of Darmstadt), Yi Li (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

E-ScootAR: Exploring Unimodal Warnings for E-Scooter Riders in Augmented Reality

Effects of Pedestrian Behavior, Time Pressure, and Repeated Exposure on Crossing Decisions in Front of Automated Vehicles Equipped with External Communication

Mark Colley (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Elvedin Bajrovic (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Effects of Pedestrian Behavior, Time Pressure, and Repeated Exposure on Crossing Decisions in Front of Automated Vehicles Equipped with External Communication

Elements of XR Prototyping: Characterizing the Role and Use of Prototypes in Augmented and Virtual Reality Design

Veronika Krauß (Universität Siegen), Michael Nebeling (University of Michigan), Florian Jasche (Universität Siegen), Alexander Boden (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Fraunhofer FIT)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Evaluating Soft Organ-Shaped Tangibles for Medical Virtual Reality

Thomas Muender (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Anke Reinschluessel (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Daniela Salzmann (University Hospital for Visceral Surgery, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, PIUS-Hospital), Thomas Lück (cirp GmbH), Andrea Schenk (Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS), Dirk Weyhe (University Hospital for Visceral Surgery, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, PIUS-Hospital), Tanja Döring (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Rainer Malaka (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Evaluating Soft Organ-Shaped Tangibles for Medical Virtual Reality

EyeMeet: A Joint Attention Support System for Remote Meetings

Moritz Langner (KIT), Peyman Toreini (KIT), Alexander Maedche (KIT)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

FoolProofJoint: Reducing Assembly Errors of Laser Cut 3D Models by Means of Custom Joint Patterns

Keunwoo Park (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Conrad Lempert (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Muhammad Abdullah (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Shohei Katakura (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Jotaro Shigeyama (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Thijs Roumen (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Patrick Baudisch (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

GANSlider: How Users Control Generative Models for Images using Multiple Sliders with and without Feedforward Information

Hai Dang (University of Bayreuth), Lukas Mecke (LMU Munich, UniBW Munich), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

GANSlider: How Users Control Generative Models for Images using Multiple Sliders with and without Feedforward Information

Haptic Fidelity Framework: Defining the Factors of Realistic Haptic Feedback for Virtual Reality

Thomas Muender (University of Bremen), Michael Bonfert (University of Bremen), Anke V. Reinschluessel (University of Bremen), Rainer Malaka (University of Bremen), Tanja Döring (University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Haptic Fidelity Framework: Defining the Factors of Realistic Haptic Feedback for Virtual Reality

HCI Across Borders: Navigating the shifting borders in CHI

Vikram Kamath Cannanure (Carnegie Mellon University), Cuauhtémoc Rivera-Loaiza (Universidad Michoacana), Annu Sible Prabhakar (University of Cincinnati), Rama Adithya Varanasi (Cornell University), Anupriya Tuli (IIIT-Delhi), Dilrukshi Gamage (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Faria Noor (Bentley University), Naveena Karusala (University of Washington), David Nemer (University of Virginia), Dipto Das (University of Colorado Boulder), Susan Dray (Dray & Associates), Christian Sturm (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences), Neha Kumar (Georgia Tech)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

How do Users Expect their Smart Memory Vaults to Utilize Their Shared Memories?

Passant ElAgroudy (LMU Munich), Ms. Mennatallah Saleh (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Science, Technical University Berlin), Christian Sturm (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work

If The Map Fits! Exploring Minimaps as Distractors from Non-Euclidean Spaces in Virtual Reality

Jonas Auda (University of Duisburg-Essen), Uwe Gruenefeld (University of Duisburg-Essen), Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

If The Map Fits! Exploring Minimaps as Distractors from Non-Euclidean Spaces in Virtual Reality

Intelligent Music Interfaces: When Interactive Assistance and Augmentation Meet Musical Instruments

Karola Marky (University of Glasgow), Annika Kilian (LMU Munich), Andreas Weiss (Musikschule Schallkultur), Jakob Karolus (LMU Munich), Matthias Hoppe (LMU Munich), Pawel W. Wozniak (Chalmers University of Technology), Max Mühlhäuser (TU Darmstadt), Thomas Kosch (Utrecht University)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Investigating Usability and User Experience of Individually Verifiable Internet Voting Schemes

Karola Marky (Technical University of Darmstadt, University of Glasgow, Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, United Kingdom), Marie Laure Zollinger (University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg), Peter B. Roenne (University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg), Peter Y. A. Ryan (University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg), Tim Grube (Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany), Kai Kunze (Keio University, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Japan)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

It Is Not Always Discovery Time: Four Pragmatic Approaches in Designing AI Systems

Maximiliane Windl (LMU Munich), Sebastian S. Feger (LMU Munich), Lara Zijlstra (Utrecht University), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Paweł W. Woźniak (Chalmers University of Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

It Is Not Always Discovery Time: Four Pragmatic Approaches in Designing AI Systems

Keep it Short: A Comparison of Voice Assistants' Response Behavior

Gabriel Haas (Ulm University), Michael Rietzler (Institute of Mediainformatics, Ulm University), Matt Jones (Swansea University), Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Mask removal isn't always convenient in public! - The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Device Usage and User Authentication

Alia Saad (University of Duisburg-Essen), Uwe Gruenefeld (University of Duisburg-Essen), Lukas Mecke (Bundeswehr University Munich), Marion Koelle (University of Duisburg-Essen), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich), Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

MoodWorlds: A Virtual Environment for Autonomous Emotional Expression

Nadine Wagener (University of Bremen), Jasmin Niess (University of St. Gallen), Yvonne Rogers (UCL Interaction Centre), Johannes Schöning (University of St. Gallen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

MoodWorlds: A Virtual Environment for Autonomous Emotional Expression

Next Steps in Epidermal Computing: Opportunities and Challenges for Soft On-Skin Devices

Aditya Shekhar Nittala (Saarland University), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Next Steps in Epidermal Computing: Opportunities and Challenges for Soft On-Skin Devices

On Appropriation and Nostalgic Reminiscence of Technology

Fatemeh Alizadeh (Universität Siegen), Aikaterini Mniestri (Universität Siegen), Alarith Uhde (Universität Siegen), Gunnar Stevens (Universität Siegen)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

ONYX - User Interfaces for Assisting in Interactive Task Learning for Natural Language Interfaces of Data Visualization Tools

Marcel Ruoff (KIT), Brad Myers (CMU), Alexander Maedche (KIT)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Pandemic Displays: Considering Hygiene on Public Touchscreens in the Post-Pandemic Era

Ville Mäkelä (University of Waterloo), Jonas Winter (LMU Munich), Jasmin Schwab (Bundeswehr University Munich), Michael Koch (Bundeswehr University Munich), Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Pet-Robot or Appliance? Care Home Residents with Dementia Respond to a Zoomorphic Floor Washing Robot

Emanuela Marchetti (SDU Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark), Sophie Grimme (OFFIS Oldenburg, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Eva Hornecker (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Avgi Kollakidou (Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark), Philipp Graf (TU Chemnitz)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

PriCheck - An Online Assistant for Smart Device Purchases

Vera Volk (LMU Munich), Sarah Prange (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, LMU Munich), Florian Alt (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

PriCheck - An Online Assistant for Smart Device Purchases

Print-A-Sketch: A Handheld Printer for Physical Sketching of Circuits and Sensors on Everyday Surfaces

Narjes Pourjafarian (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Marion Koelle (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Fjolla Mjaku (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Paul Strohmeier (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Jürgen Steimle

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Print-A-Sketch: A Handheld Printer for Physical Sketching of Circuits and Sensors on Everyday Surfaces

Proxemics for Human-Agent Interaction in Augmented Reality

Ann Huang (LMU Munich), Pascal Knierim (LMU Munich), Francesco Chiossi (LMU Munich), Lewis Chuang (Chair for Humans, Technology, Chemnitz University of Technology), Robin Welsch (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Proxemics for Human-Agent Interaction in Augmented Reality

Reducing Virtual Reality Sickness for Cyclists in VR Bicycle Simulators

Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Marcel Zickler (Technical University of Darmstadt), Lisa Gasche (Technical University of Darmstadt), Julia Abels (Technical University of Darmstadt), Till Steinert (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Reducing Virtual Reality Sickness for Cyclists in VR Bicycle Simulators

ReLive: Bridging In-Situ and Ex-Situ Visual Analytics for Analyzing Mixed Reality User Studies

Sebastian Hubenschmid (University of Konstanz), Jonathan Wieland (University of Konstanz), Daniel Immanuel Fink (University of Konstanz), Andrea Batch (University of Maryland), Johannes Zagermann (University of Konstanz), Niklas Elmqvist (University of Maryland), Harald Reiterer (University of Konstanz)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

ReLive: Bridging In-Situ and Ex-Situ Visual Analytics for Analyzing Mixed Reality User Studies

Remote VR Studies: A Framework for Running Virtual Reality Studies Remotely Via Participant-Owned HMDs

R. Rivu (Bundeswehr University Munich), V. Mäkelä (University of Waterloo, Bundeswehr University Munich), S. Prange (Bundeswehr University Munich), S. Rodriguez (Bundeswehr University Munich), R. Piening(LMU Munich), Y. Zhou (LMU Munich), K. Köhle (LMU Munich), K. Pfeuffer (Bundeswehr University Munich), Y. Abdelrahman(Bundeswehr University Munich), M. Hoppe(LMU Munich), A. Schmidt (LMU Munich), F. Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

ShapeFindAR: Exploring In-Situ Spatial Search for Physical Artifact Retrieval using Mixed Reality

Evgeny Stemasov (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Tobias Wagner (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Jan Gugenheimer (Télécom Paris - LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

ShapeFindAR: Exploring In-Situ Spatial Search for Physical Artifact Retrieval using Mixed Reality

Shaping Textile Sliders: An Evaluation of Form Factors and Tick Marks for Textile Sliders

Oliver Nowak (RWTH Aachen University), René Schäfer (RWTH Aachen University), Anke Brocker (RWTH Aachen University), Philipp Wacker (RWTH Aachen University), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

SkyPort: Investigating 3D Teleportation Methods in Virtual Environments

Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Martin Schmitz (Technical University of Darmstadt), Marco Fendrich (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

SkyPort: Investigating 3D Teleportation Methods in Virtual Environments

Smooth as Steel Wool: Effects of Visual Stimuli on the Haptic Perception of Roughness in Virtual Reality

Sebastian Günther (TU Darmstadt), Julian Rasch (LMU München), Dominik Schön (TU Darmstadt), Florian Müller (LMU München), Martin Schmitz (TU Darmstadt), Jan Riemann (TU Darmstadt), Andrii Matviienko (TU Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (LMU München)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Smooth as Steel Wool: Effects of Visual Stimuli on the Haptic Perception of Roughness in Virtual Reality

SoRoCAD: A Design Tool for the Building Blocks of Pneumatic Soft Robotics

Anke Brocker (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany) andJakob Strüver (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany), Simon Voelker (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

SoRoCAD: A Design Tool for the Building Blocks of Pneumatic Soft Robotics

SpiderClip: Towards an Open Source System for Wearable Device Simulation in Virtual Reality

Dirk Queck (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern TUK), Iannis Albert (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern TUK, University of Bremen), Philipp Zimmer (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern TUK), Nicole Burkard (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern TUK), Georg Volkmar (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Bastian Dänekas (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Rainer Malaka (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Marc Herrlich (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern TUK, DFKI)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Spirituality at the Breakfast Table: Experiences of Christian Online Worship Services

Sara Wolf (Institute Human-Computer Media, JMU Würzburg, Germany), Frauke Mörike (Department of Psychology, Ergonomics, TU Berlin, Germany), Simon Luthe (Institute of Protestant Theology, Religious Education, JMU Würzburg, Germany), Ilona Nord (Institute of Protestant Theology, Religious Education, JMU Würzburg, Germany), Jörn Hurtienne (Chair of Psychological Ergonomics, JMU Würzburg, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Spirituality at the Breakfast Table: Experiences of Christian Online Worship Services

Squeezy-Feely: Investigating Lateral Thumb-Index Pinching as an Input Modality

Martin Schmitz (TU Darmstadt), Sebastian Günther (TU Darmstadt), Dominik Schön (TU Darmstadt), Florian Müller (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Squeezy-Feely: Investigating Lateral Thumb-Index Pinching as an Input Modality

Standing out among the daily spam: How to catch website owners' attention by means of vulnerability notifications

Anne Hennig (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Fabian Neusser (University of Bamberg), Aleksandra Pawelek (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Dominik Herrmann (University of Bamberg), Peter Mayer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

STRAIDE: A Research Platform for Shape-Changing Spatial Displays based on Actuated Strings

Severin Engert (Technische Universität Dresden), Konstantin Klamka (Technische Universität Dresden), Andreas Peetz (Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Technische Universität Dresden)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

STRAIDE: A Research Platform for Shape-Changing Spatial Displays based on Actuated Strings

Sustainable Haptic Design: Improving Collaboration, Sharing, and Reuse in Haptic Design Research

Oliver Schneider (University of Waterloo), Bruno Fruchard (Univ. Lille, Inria), Dennis Wittchen (HTW Dresden), Bibhushan Raj Joshi (University of Waterloo), Georg Freitag (HTW Dresden), Donald Degraen (Saarland University & DFKI), Paul Strohmeier (Sensorimotor Interaction, MPI)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

The Scent of Collaboration: Exploring the Effect of Smell on Social Interactions

Siddharth Mehrotra (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), Anke Brocker (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Marianna Obrist (University College London, United Kingdom), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

The Scent of Collaboration: Exploring the Effect of Smell on Social Interactions

There Is No First- or Third-Person View in Virtual Reality: Understanding the Perspective Continuum

Matthias Hoppe (LMU Munich), Andrea Baumann (LMU Munich), Patrick Tamunjoh (LMU Munich), Tonja-Katrin Machulla (TU Dortmund), Paweł W. Woźniak (Chalmers University of Technology), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Robin Welsch (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

There Is No First- or Third-Person View in Virtual Reality: Understanding the Perspective Continuum

Towards Balancing Real-World Awareness and VR Immersion in Mobile VR

Jingyi Li (LMU Munich), Filippe Frulli (LMU Munich), Stella Clarke (BMW Group), Andreas Butz (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Towards Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality: A Comparison of Co-Located Symmetric and Asymmetric Pair-Learning

Tobias Drey (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Patrick Albus (Institute of Psychology + Education, Ulm University), Simon der Kinderen (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Maximilian Milo (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Thilo Segschneider (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Linda Chanzab (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Michael Rietzler (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Tina Seufert (Institute of Psychology + Education, Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Towards Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality: A Comparison of Co-Located Symmetric and Asymmetric Pair-Learning

Understanding HCI Practices and Challenges of Experiment Reporting with Brain Signals: Towards Reproducibility and Reuse

Felix Putze (University of Bremen), Susanne Putze (University of Bremen), Merle Sagehorn (University of Bremen), Christopher Micek (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Erin Solovey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

Understanding, Addressing, and Analysing Digital Eye Strain in Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays

Teresa Hirzle (Ulm University), Fabian Fischbach (Ulm University), Julian Karlbauer (Ulm University), Pascal Jansen (Ulm University), Jan Gugenheimer (Télécom Paris), Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University), Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

User Perceptions of Extraversion in Chatbots after Repeated Use

Sarah Theres Völkel (LMU Munich), Ramona Schoedel (LMU Munich), Lale Kaya (LMU Munich), Sven Mayer (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

User Perceptions of Extraversion in Chatbots after Repeated Use

Using Expressive Avatars to Increase Emotion Recognition: A Pilot Study

Natalie Hube (Mercedes-Benz AG, University of Stuttgart), Kresimir Vidackovic (Hochschule der Medien, University of Applied Sciences), Michael Sedlmair (University of Stuttgart)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Virtual Reality for Mind and Body: Does the Sense of Embodiment Towards a Virtual Body Affect Physical Body Awareness?

Nina Döllinger (University of Würzburg, Human-Technology Systems), Erik Wolf (University of Würzburg, Human-Computer Interaction), David Mal (University of Würzburg, Human-Computer Interaction), Nico Erdmannsdörfer (University of Würzburg, Human-Technology Systems), Mario Botsch (TU Dortmund, Computer Graphics Group), Marc Erich Latoschik (University of Würzburg, Human-Computer Interaction), Carolin Wienrich (University of Würzburg, Human-Technology Systems)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

VRception: Rapid Prototyping of Cross-Reality Systems in Virtual Reality

Uwe Gruenefeld (University of Duisburg-Essen), Jonas Auda (University of Duisburg-Essen), Florian Mathis (University of Glasgow, University of Edinburgh), Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen), Mohamed Khamis (University of Glasgow), Jan Gugenheimer (Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Télécom Paris, LTCI), and Sven Mayer (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

VRception: Rapid Prototyping of Cross-Reality Systems in Virtual Reality

VRySmart: a Framework for Embedding Smart Devices in Virtual Reality

Akhmajon Makhsadov (Saarland University & DFKI), Donald Degraen (Saarland University & DFKI), André Zenner (Saarland University & DFKI), Felix Kosmalla (Saarland University & DFKI), Kamila Mushkina (Saarland University), Antonio Krüger (Saarland University & DFKI)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

VRySmart: a Framework for Embedding Smart Devices in Virtual Reality

Where Should We Put It? Layout and Placement Strategies of Documents in Augmented Reality for Collaborative Sensemaking

Weizhou Luo (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Anke Lehmann (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Hjalmar Widengren (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden; Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, Technische Universität Dresden; Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), Technische Universität Dresden)

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Where Should We Put It? Layout and Placement Strategies of Documents in Augmented Reality for Collaborative Sensemaking