Publications @ CHI 2023

We curated a list of this year’s publications — including links to social media, lab websites, and supplemental material. We have six journal articles, 67 full papers, 30 LBWs, eleven interactivities, one alt.chi paper, one DC paper, lead three workshops and give two courses. Four papers were awarded a best paper award, and seven papers received an honourable mention.
The papers for the contributing labs were also curated in a PDF booklet by Michael Chamunorwa, and it can be downloaded here: Booklet 2023

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“In Your Face!”: Visualizing Fitness Tracker Data in Augmented Reality

Sebastian Rigling (University of Stuttgart), Xingyao Yu (University of Stuttgart), Michael Sedlmair (University of Stuttgart)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

“Nah, it’s just annoying!” A Deep Dive into User Perceptions of Two-Factor Authentication

Karola Marky (Ruhr-University Bochum, University of Glasgow), Kirill Ragozin (Keio University), George Chernyshov (Keio University), Andrii Matviienko (Technical University of Darmstadt), Martin Schmitz (Saarland University), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt), Chloe Eghtebas (TUM), Kai Kunze (Keio University)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

“What if everyone is able to program?” – Exploring the Role of Software Development in Science Fiction

Kevin Krings (Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Nino S. Bohn (Cyber-Physical-Systems, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Nora Anna Luise Hille (Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig (Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

(Re-)Distributional Food Justice: Negotiating conflicting views of fairness within a local grassroots community

Philip Engelbutzeder, Yannick Bollmann, Katie Berns, Marvin Landwehr, Dave Randell, Volker Wulf

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

"We Need a Big Revolution in Email Advertising": Users' Perception of Persuasion in Permission-based Advertising Emails

Anastasia Sergeeva (University of Luxembourg), Björn Rohles (University of Luxembourg), Verena Distler (University of Luxembourg / Bundeswehr University Munich), Vincent Koenig (University of Luxembourg)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

A Database for Kitchen Objects: Investigating Danger Perception in the Context of Human-Robot Interaction

Jan Leusmann (LMU Munich), Carl Oechsner (LMU Munich), Johanna Prinz (LMU Munich), Robin Welsch (Aalto University), Sven Mayer (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

A World Full of Privacy and Security (Mis)conceptions? Findings of a Representative Survey in 12 Countries

Franziska Herbert (Ruhr University Bochum), Steffen Becker (Ruhr University Bochum, Max Planck Institute for Security, Privacy, Bochum), Leonie Schaewitz (Ruhr University Bochum), Jonas Hielscher (Ruhr University Bochum), Marvin Kowalewski (Ruhr University Bochum), Angela Sasse (Ruhr University Bochum), Yasemin Acar (The George Washington University, Washington), Markus Dürmuth (Leibniz University Hannover)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

About Engaging and Governing Strategies: A Thematic Analysis of Dark Patterns in Social Networking Services

Thomas Mildner (University of Bremen), Gian-Luca Savino (University of St.Gallen), Philip R. Doyle (University College Dublin), Benjamin R. Cowen (University College Dublin), Rainer Malaka (University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Accidentally Evil: On Questionable Values in Smart Home Co-Design

Arne Berger (Computer Science, Languages, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Koethen, Germany), Albrecht Kurze (Computer Science, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany), Andreas Bischof (Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany), Jesse Josua Benjamin (Lancaster University, Imagination Lancaster, Lancaster, United Kingdom), Richmond Y. Wong (Digital Media, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States), Nick Merrill (Daylight Lab, Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

An Examination of Motivation in Physical Therapy Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory: Implications for Game Design

Maria Aufheimer (KIT), Kathrin Gerling (KIT), Nicholas Graham (Queen's University), Mari Naaris (KU Leuven), Marco Konings (KU Leuven), Elegast Monbaliu (KU Leuven), Hans Hallez (KU Leuven), Els Ortibus (UZ Leuven)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

ARound the Smartphone: Investigating the Effects of Virtually-Extended Display Size on Spatial Memory

Sebastian Hubenschmid (University of Konstanz), Johannes Zagermann (University of Konstanz), Daniel Leicht (University of Konstanz), Harald Reiterer (University of Konstanz), Tiare Feuchtner (University of Konstanz)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

ARound the Smartphone: Investigating the Effects of Virtually-Extended Display Size on Spatial Memory

Augmented Reality-based Indoor Positioning for Smart Home Automations

Marius Schenkluhn (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology & Robert Bosch GmbH), Christian Peukert (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Christof Weinhardt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Augmented Reality-based Indoor Positioning for Smart Home Automations

Autonomy and Safety: A Quantitative Study with Control Room Operators on Affinity for Technology Interaction and Wish for Pervasive Computing Solutions

Nadine Flegel (Trier University of Applied Sciences), Daniel Wessel (University of Lübeck), Jonas Pöhler (University of Siegen), Kristof Van Laerhoven (University of Siegen), Tilo Mentler (Trier University of Applied Sciences)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

AutoVis: Enabling Mixed-Immersive Analysis of Automotive User Interface Interaction Studies

Pascal Jansen (Ulm University), Julian Britten (Ulm University), Alexander Häusele (Ulm University), Thilo Segschneider (Ulm University), Mark Colley (Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

AutoVis: Enabling Mixed-Immersive Analysis of Automotive User Interface Interaction Studies

Balancing Power Relations in Participatory Design: The Importance of Initiative and External Factors

Torben Volkmann (Universität zu Lübeck), Markus Dresel (Universität zu Lübeck), Nicole Jochems (Universität zu Lübeck)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Bees, Birds and Butterflies: Investigating the Influence of Distractors on Visual Attention Guidance Techniques

Nina Doerr (University of Stuttgart), Katrin Angerbauer (University of Stuttgart), Melissa Reinelt (University of Stuttgart), Michael Sedlmair (University of Stuttgart)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Behavioural Design in Video Games: Ethical, Legal, and Health Impact on Players

Max Birk (TU Eindhoven), Simone van der Hof (Leiden University), Celia Hodent (Raising Good Gamers), Kathrin Gerling (KIT), Tony van Rooij (Timbos Institute)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Behind the Scenes of Automation: Ghostly Care-Work, Maintenance, and Interferences

Yana Boeva (University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany), Arne Berger (Computer Science, Languages, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Koethen, Germany), Andreas Bischof (Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany), Olivia Doggett (Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Hendrik Heuer (Institute for Information Management Bremen, University of Bremen, Bremen, Bremen, Germany), Juliane Jarke (University of Graz, Graz, Austria), Pat Treusch (The Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland), Roger Soraa (NTNU Norwegian University of Science, Technology, Trondheim, Norway), Zhasmina Tacheva (School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, United States), Maja-Lee Voigt (Leuphana University Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Blended Interaction: Communication and Collaboration Between Two Users Across the Reality-Virtuality Continuum

Lucie Kruse (Universität Hamburg), Joel Wittig (Universität Hamburg), Sebastian Finnern (Universität Hamburg), Melvin Gundlach (Universität Hamburg), Niclas Iserlohe (Universität Hamburg), Dr. Oscar Ariza (Universität Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke (Universität Hamburg)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

BrailleBuddy: A Tangible User Interface to Support Children with Visual Impairment in Learning Braille

Florian Lang (LMU Munich), Verena Pues (LMU Munich), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Tonja-Katrin Machulla (TU Chemnitz)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

BrailleBuddy: A Tangible User Interface to Support Children with Visual Impairment in Learning Braille

Challenges and Opportunities for Interactive Technology to Support Parents of HIV-Positive Children in Ethiopia in the Disclosure Process

Alemitu Bezabih (KU Leuven), Kathrin Gerling (KIT), Workeabeba Taye (Addis Ababa University), Vero Vanden Abeele (KU Leuven)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Children with ADHD and their Care Ecosystem: Designing Beyond Symptoms

Evropi Stefanidi (University of Bremen), Johannes Schöning (University of St. Gallen), Yvonne Rogers (UCLIC, UCL), Jasmin Niess (University of St. Gallen, University of Oslo)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Choice Over Control: How Users Write with Large Language Models using Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Prompting

Hai Dang (University of Bayreuth), Sven Goller (University of Bayreuth), Florian Lehmann (University of Bayreuth), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth) (Ed.)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Choice Over Control: How Users Write with Large Language Models using Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Prompting

Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Affects Users' Views

Maurice Jakesch (Cornell University), Advait Bhat (Microsoft Research), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth), Lior Zalmanson (Tel Aviv University), Mor Naaman (Cornell Tech)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Collaborating Across Realities: Analytical Lenses for Understanding Dyadic Collaboration in Transitional Interfaces

Jan-Henrik Schröder (University of Lübeck), Daniel Schacht (University of Lübeck), Niklas Peper (University of Lübeck), Anita Marie Hamurculu (University of Lübeck), Hans-Christian Jetter (University of Lübeck)

Abstract | Tags: Best Paper, Full Paper | Links:

Collaborating Across Realities: Analytical Lenses for Understanding Dyadic Collaboration in Transitional Interfaces

Comparing Dwell time, Pursuits and Gaze Gestures for Gaze Interaction on Handheld Mobile Devices

Omar Namnakani (University of Glasgow, Glasgow), Yasmeen Abdrabou (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, University of Glasgow), Jonathan Grizou (University of Glasgow), Augusto Esteves (University of Lisbon), Mohamed Khamis (University of Glasgow)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

CrowdSurfer: Seamlessly Integrating Crowd-Feedback Tasks into Everyday Internet Surfing

Saskia Haug (KIT, h-lab), Ivo Benke (KIT, h-lab), Daniel Fischer (KIT, h-lab), Alexander Maedche (KIT, h-lab)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

CrowdSurfer: Seamlessly Integrating Crowd-Feedback Tasks into Everyday Internet Surfing

Deep Learning Super-Resolution Network Facilitating Fiducial Tangibles on Capacitive Touchscreens

Marius Rusu (LMU Munich), Sven Mayer (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Deep Learning Super-Resolution Network Facilitating Fiducial Tangibles on Capacitive Touchscreens

Demonstrating CleAR Sight: Transparent Interaction Panels for Augmented Reality

Wolfgang Büschel (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany), Katja Krug (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany), Konstantin Klamka (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany), Raimund Dachselt (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

Demonstrating CleAR Sight: Transparent Interaction Panels for Augmented Reality

Demonstrating Trusscillator: A System for Fabricating Human-Scale Human-Powered Oscillating Devices

Robert Kovacs (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Lukas Rambold (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Lukas Fritzsche (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Dominik Meier (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Jotaro Shigeyama (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Shohei Katakura (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Ran Zhang HCI (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany), Patrick Baudisch (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

Demonstrating Trusscillator: A System for Fabricating Human-Scale Human-Powered Oscillating Devices

Design and Fabrication of Body-Based Interfaces (Demo of Saarland HCI Lab)

Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University), Marie Muehlhaus (Saarland University), Madalina Nicolae (Saarland University), Aditya Nittala (Saarland University), Narges Pourjafarian (Saarland University), Adwait Sharma (Saarland University), Marc Teyssier (Saarland University), Marion Koelle (Saarland University), Bruno Fruchard (Saarland University), Paul Strohmeier (Saarland University)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

Designing for Uncontrollability: Drawing Inspiration from the Blessing Companion

Sara Wolf (Institute Human-Computer Media, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, Germany), Simon Luthe (Institute of Protestant Theology, Religious Education, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, Germany), Lennart Baumeister (Institute Human-Computer Media, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, Germany), Frauke Mörike (Department of Psychology, Ergonomics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), Vyjayanthi Janakiraman (Design department, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Jörn Hurtienne (Chair of Psychological Ergonomics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Designing for Uncontrollability: Drawing Inspiration from the Blessing Companion

Don't Panic! - Influence of Virtual Stressor Representations from the ICU Context on Perceived Stress Levels

Sebastian Weiß (OFFIS), Wilko Heuten (OFFIS)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Dying, Death and the Afterlife in Human-Computer Interaction. A Scoping Review

Ruben Albers (University of Siegen), Shadan Sadeghian (University of Siegen), Matthias Laschke (University of Siegen), Marc Hassenzahl (University of Siegen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Empathic Accuracy and Mental Effort during Remote Assessments of Emotions

Stephan Huber (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Chair for Psychological Ergonomics, Würzburg), Natalie Rathß (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Chair for Psychological Ergonomics, Würzburg)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Empathic Accuracy and Mental Effort during Remote Assessments of Emotions

Enhancing Notification Awareness for Online Presenters via a Wrist-Worn Device

René Schäfer (RWTH Aachen University), Tobias Wagner (Ulm University), Ulyana Lavnikevich (RWTH Aachen University), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University)

Abstract | Tags: | Links:

Enhancing Notification Awareness for Online Presenters via a Wrist-Worn Device

Exploring Gesture and Gaze Proxies to Communicate Instructor's Nonverbal Cues in Lecture Videos

Tobias Wagner (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University), Teresa Hirzle (Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen), Anke Huckauf (Institute of Psychology, Education, Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Exploring Gesture and Gaze Proxies to Communicate Instructor's Nonverbal Cues in Lecture Videos

Exploring Mixed Reality in General Aviation to Support Pilot Workload

Christopher Katins (HU Berlin), Sebastian S. Feger (LMU Munich), Thomas Kosch (HU Berlin)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Exploring Mixed Reality in General Aviation to Support Pilot Workload

Exploring Mobility Behavior Around Ambient Displays Using Clusters of Multi-dimensional Walking Trajectories

Jan Schwarzer (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences), Julian Fietkau (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), Laurenz Fuchs (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), Susanne Draheim (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences), Kai von Luck (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences), Michael Koch (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Exploring Physiological Correlates of Visual Complexity Adaptation: Insights from EDA, ECG, and EEG Data for Adaptation Evaluation in VR Adaptive Systems

Francesco Chiossi (LMU Munich), Changkun Ou (LMU Munich), Sven Mayer (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Exploring Physiological Correlates of Visual Complexity Adaptation: Insights from EDA, ECG, and EEG Data for Adaptation Evaluation in VR Adaptive Systems

Exploring Pseudo-Stiffness to Enrich the Haptic Experience in Virtual Reality

Yannick Weiss (LMU Munich), Steeven Villa (LMU Munich), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Sven Mayer (LMU Munich), Florian Müller (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Exploring Shape Designs for Soft Robotics and Users’ Associations with Them

Anke Brocker (RWTH Aachen University), Ekaterina Nedorubkova (RWTH Aachen University), Simon Voelker (RWTH Aachen University), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University),

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Exploring Shape Designs for Soft Robotics and Users’ Associations with Them

Exploring the Perception of Pain in Virtual Reality using Perceptual Manipulations

Gaëlle Clavelin (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Mickael Bouhier (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Wen-Jie Tseng (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Jan Gugenheimer (TU Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Exploring the Use of Electromagnets to Influence Key Targeting on Physical Keyboards

Lukas Mecke (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, LMU Munich), Ismael Prieto Romero (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), Sarah Delgado Rodriguez (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), Florian Alt (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

EyesOnMe: Investigating Haptic and Visual User Guidance for Near-Eye Positioning of Mobile Phones for Self-Eye-Examinations

Luca-Maxim Meinhardt (Ulm University), Kristof Van Laerhoven (University of Siegen), David Dobbelstein (Carl Zeiss AG)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Fabric Faces: Combining Textiles and 3D Printing for Maker-Friendly Folding-Based Assembly

Adrian Wagner (RWTH Aachen University), Paul Miles Preuschoff (RWTH Aachen University), Philipp Wacker (RWTH Aachen University), Simon Voelker (RWTH Aachen University), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University),

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Fabric Faces: Combining Textiles and 3D Printing for Maker-Friendly Folding-Based Assembly

FIDO2 the Rescue? Platform vs. Roaming Authentication on Smartphones

Leon Würsching (Secure Mobile Networking Lab, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany), Florentin Putz (Secure Mobile Networking Lab, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany), Steffen Haesler (Science, Technology for Peace, Security (PEASEC), Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany), Prof. Dr. Matthias Hollick (Secure Mobile Networking Lab, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Best Paper, Full Paper | Links:

FIDO2 the Rescue? Platform vs. Roaming Authentication on Smartphones

FingerMapper: Mapping Finger Motions onto Virtual Arms to Enable Safe Virtual Reality Interaction in Confined Spaces

Wen-Jie Tseng (Telecom Paris, IP Paris, TU Darmstadt), Samuel Huron (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Eric Lecolinet (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Jan Gugenheimer (Telecom Paris, IP Paris, TU Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Flowboard: How Seamless, Live, Flow-Based Programming Impacts Learning to Code for Embedded Electronics

Anke Brocker (RWTH Aachen University), René Schäfer (RWTH Aachen University), Christian Remy (Lancaster University), Simon Voelker (RWTH Aachen University), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

Flowboard: How Seamless, Live, Flow-Based Programming Impacts Learning to Code for Embedded Electronics

Going, Going, Gone: Exploring Intention Communication for Multi-User Locomotion in Virtual Reality

Julian Rasch (LMU Munich), Vladislav Dmitrievic Rusakov (LMU Munich), Martin Schmitz (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus), Florian Müller (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Best Paper, Full Paper | Links:

Good Day Manager! Exploring Social Relationships in NFT-based Play-to-Earn Games

Richard Lance Parayno (Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg Salzburg, Austria Salzburg University of Applied Sciences), Janna Aika Deja (University of Siegen), Tyrone Justin Sta Maria (De La Salle University), Briane Paul V. Samson (De La Salle University), Jordan Aiko Deja (De La Salle University, University of Primorska)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Good Day Manager! Exploring Social Relationships in NFT-based Play-to-Earn Games

Handheld Tools Unleashed: Mixed-Initiative Physical Sketching with a Robotic Printer

Narjes Pourjafarian (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Fjolla Mjaku (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Marion Koelle (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany), Martin Schmitz (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Handheld Tools Unleashed: Mixed-Initiative Physical Sketching with a Robotic Printer

Haptic Servos: Self-Contained Vibrotactile Rendering System for Creating or Augmenting Material Experiences

Nihar Sabnis (Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Dennis Wittchen (Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Courtney N. Reed (Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Narjes Pourjafarian (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Paul Strohmeier (Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Haptic Servos: Self-Contained Vibrotactile Rendering System for Creating or Augmenting Material Experiences

HaptiX: Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback for Communication of 3D Directional Cues

Max Pascher (Westphalian University of Applied Sciences & University of Duisburg-Essen), Til Franzen(Westphalian University of Applied Sciences), Kirill Kronhardt (Westphalian University of Applied Sciences), Uwe Gruenefeld (University of Duisburg-Essen), Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen), Jens Gerken (Westphalian University of Applied Sciences)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Hexad-12: Developing and Validating a Short Version of the Gamification User Types Hexad Scale

Jeanine Krath (University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany), Maximilian Altmeyer (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany & HCI Games Group, Games Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), Dr. Gustavo F. Tondello (HCI Games Group, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), Lennart E. Nacke (Stratford School of Interaction Design, Business, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada & HCI Games Group, Games Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

How to Communicate Robot Motion Intent: A Scoping Review

Max Pascher (Westphalian University of Applied Sciences & University of Duisburg-Essen), Uwe Gruenefeld (University of Duisburg-Essen), Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen), Jens Gerken (Westphalian University of Applied Sciences)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

I Need a Third Arm! Eliciting Body-based Interactions with a Wearable Robotic Arm

Marie Muehlhaus (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Marion Koelle (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany), Artin Saberpour (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

I Need a Third Arm! Eliciting Body-based Interactions with a Wearable Robotic Arm

I want to be able to change the speed and size of the avatar: Assessing User Requirements for Animated Sign Language Translation Interfaces

Amelie Nolte (University of Luebeck), Barbara Gleissl (Ergosign GmbH), Jule Heckmann (Ergosign GmbH), Dieter Wallach (Ergosign GmbH), Nicole Jochems (University of Luebeck)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Immersive Reading: Comparison of Performance and User Experience for Reading Long Texts in Virtual Reality

Jenny Gabel (Understanding Written Artefacts, Human Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg), Melanie Ludwig ( Human Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg), Frank Steinicke (Human Computer Interaction, Understanding Written Artefacts, Universität Hamburg)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Immersive Reading: Comparison of Performance and User Experience for Reading Long Texts in Virtual Reality

In Sync: Exploring Synchronization to Increase Trust Between Humans and Non-humanoid Robots

Wieslaw Bartkowski (University of Warsaw), Andrzej Nowak (University of Warsaw), Filip Ignacy Czajkowski (University of Warsaw), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Florian Müller (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Induce a Blink of the Eye: Evaluating Techniques for Triggering Eye Blinks in Virtual Reality

André Zenner (Saarland University & DFKI), Kristin Ullmann (Saarland University), Oscar Ariza (Universität Hamburg), Frank Steinicke (Universität Hamburg), Antonio Krüger (Saarland University & DFKI)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Induce a Blink of the Eye: Evaluating Techniques for Triggering Eye Blinks in Virtual Reality

Inhabiting Interconnected Spaces: How Users Shape and Appropriate their Smart Home Ecosystems

Mikołaj P. Woźniak (University of Oldenburg), Sarah Vöge (University of Oldenburg), Ronja Krüger (University of Oldenburg), Heiko Müller (University of Oldenburg), Marion Koelle (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Susanne Boll (University of Oldenburg)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Interacting with Neural Radiance Fields in Immersive Virtual Reality

Ke Li (Universität Hamburg, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY), Tim Rolff (Universität Hamburg ), Susanne Schmidt (Universität Hamburg), Reinhard Bacher (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY), Wim Leemans (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY), Frank Steinicke (Universität Hamburg)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

Interaction Effects of Pedestrian Behavior, Smartphone Distraction and External Communication of Automated Vehicles on Crossing and Gaze Behavior

Mirjam Lanzer (Human Factors, Ulm University), Ina Koniakowsky (Human Factors, Ulm University), Mark Colley (Media Informatics, Ulm University), Martin Baumann (Human Factors, Ulm University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

InterFlowCeption: Foundations for Technological Enhancement of Interoception to Foster Flow States during Mental Work: About the potential of technologically supported body awareness to promote flow experiences during mental work

Christoph Berger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Michael Thomas Knierim (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Ivo Benke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Karen Bartholomeyczik (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),, Christof Weinhardt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Interpretable Time-Dependent Convolutional Emotion Recognition with Contextual Data Streams

David Bethge (LMU Munich, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG), Constantin Patsch (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG), Philipp Hallgarten (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Universität Tübingen), Thomas Kosch (HU Berlin)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Interpretable Time-Dependent Convolutional Emotion Recognition with Contextual Data Streams

Investigating Tangible Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms for Future Smart Homes

Maximiliane Windl (LMU Munich, Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Sebastian S. Feger (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Investigating the Effects of Individual Spatial Abilities on Virtual Reality Object Manipulation

Tobias Drey (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany), Michael Montag (Department of General Psychology, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Science, Magdeburg, Germany), Andrea Vogt (Institute of Psychology, Education, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany), Nico Rixen (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany), Tina Seufert (Institute of Psychology, Education, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany), Steffi Zander (Department of General Psychology, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Science, Magdeburg, Germany), Michael Rietzler (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany), Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Investigating the Effects of Individual Spatial Abilities on Virtual Reality Object Manipulation

Keep it Real: Investigating Driver-Cyclist Interaction in Real-World Traffic

Ammar Al-Taie (University of Glasgow), Yasmeen Abdrabou (University of the BundeswehrMunich, University of Glasgow), Shaun Macdonald (University of Glasgow), Frank Pollick (University of Glasgow), Stephen Brewster (University of Glasgow)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Kerfmeter: Automatic Kerf Calibration for Laser Cutting

Shohei Katakura, Martin Taraz, Muhammad Abdullah, Paul Methfessel, Lukas Rambold, Robert Kovacs,, Patrick Baudisch

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Let’s Face It: Influence of Facial Expressions on Social Presence in Collaborative Virtual Reality

Simon Kimmel (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Frederike Jung (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Andrii Matviienko (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Wilko Heuten (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Susanne Boll (University of Oldenburg)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Let’s Face It: Influence of Facial Expressions on Social Presence in Collaborative Virtual Reality

Linking Audience Physiology to Choreography

Jiawen Han (Keio University), George Chernyshov (Keio University), Moe Sugawa (Keio University), Dingding Zheng (Keio University), Danny Hynds (Keio University), Taichi Furukawa (Keio University), Marcelo Padovani (Keio University), Kouta Minamizawa (Keio University), Karola Marky (Ruhr-University Bochum), Jamie A Ward (Goldsmiths University of London), Kai Kunze (Keio University)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

Literature Reviews in HCI: A Review of Reviews

Evropi Stefanidi (University of Bremen), Marit Bentvelzen (Utrecht University), Paweł W. Woźniak (Chalmers University of Technology), Thomas Kosch (HU Berlin), Mikołaj P. Woźniak (University of Oldenburg), Thomas Mildner (University of Bremen), Stefan Schneegass (HCI Group, University of Duisburg-Essen), Heiko Müller (University of Oldenburg, OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Jasmin Niess (University of St. Gallen, University of Oslo)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Memory Manipulations in Extended Reality

Elise Bonnail (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Wen-Jie Tseng (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Mark McGill (University of Glasgow, Glasgow), Eric Lecolinet (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Samuel Huron (Telecom Paris, IP Paris), Jan Gugenheimer (TU Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Moral Agents for Sustainable Transitions: Ethics, Politics, Design

Matthias Laschke (Interaction Design for Sustainability, Transformation, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Amy Bucher (Lirio, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States), Paul Coulton LICA, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom), Marc Hassenzahl (Ubiquitous Design / Experience & Interaction, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Lenneke Kuijer (Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands), Carine Lallemand (Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands Human-Computer Interaction research group, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, Dan Lockton (Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands), Geke Ludden (Department of Design, Production, Management, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands) Sebastian Deterding (Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom)

Abstract | Tags: Workshop | Links:

Never Skip Leg Day Again: Training the Lower Body with Vertical Jumps in a Virtual Reality Exergame

Sebastian Cmentowski (High-Performance Computing, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Sukran Karaosmanoglu (Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg, Germany), Lennart E. Nacke (HCI Games Group, University of Waterloo, Canada), Frank Steinicke (Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg, Germany), Jens Krüger (High-Performance Computing, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Honorable Mention | Links:

Never Skip Leg Day Again: Training the Lower Body with Vertical Jumps in a Virtual Reality Exergame

ONYX: Assisting Users in Teaching Natural Language Interfaces Through Multi-Modal Interactive Task Learning

Marcel Ruoff (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Brad A. Myers (Carnegie Mellon University), Alexander Maedche (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

PEARL: Physical Environment based Augmented Reality Lenses for In-Situ Human Movement Analysis

Weizhou Luo (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Zhongyuan Yu (Immersive Experience Lab, Technische Universität Dresden), Rufat Rzayev (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden), Marc Satkowski (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Centre for Scalable Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI)), Stefan Gumhold (Computer Graphics, Visualization, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop, Centre for Scalable Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI)), Matthew McGinity (Immersive Experience Lab, Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), Centre for Scalable Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI)))

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

PEARL: Physical Environment based Augmented Reality Lenses for In-Situ Human Movement Analysis

Playful Reflection: Impact of Gamification on a Virtual Reality Simulation of Breastfeeding

Kymeng Tang (KU Leuven), Kathrin Gerling (KIT), Vero Vanden Abeele (KU Leuven), Luc Geurts (KU Leuven), Maria Aufheimer (KIT)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Point Cloud Alignment through Mid-Air Gestures on a Stereoscopic Display

Katja Krug (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany), Marc Satkowski (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany), Reuben Docea (Translational Surgical Oncology, National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden, Germany), Tzu-Yu Ku (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany), Raimund Dachselt (Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Point Cloud Alignment through Mid-Air Gestures on a Stereoscopic Display

Point of no Undo: Irreversible Interactions as a Design Strategy

Beat Rossmy (LMU Munich), Nađa Terzimehić (LMU Munich), Tanja Döring (University of Bremen), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth), Alexander Wiethoff (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Reach Prediction using Finger Motion Dynamics

Dimitar Valkov (Saarland University, Germany; DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany), Pascal Kockwelp (Computer Science Department, University of Münster, Germany), Florian Daiber (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany), Antonio Krüger (DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

SelVReflect: A Guided VR Experience Fostering Reflection on Personal Challenges

Nadine Wagener (University of Bremen), Leon Reicherts (University College London), Nima Zargham (University of Bremen), Natalia Bartłomiejczyk (Lodz University of Technology), Ava Elizabeth Scott (University College London), Katherine Wang (University College London), Marit Bentvelzen (Utrecht University), Evropi Stefanidi (University of Bremen), Thomas Mildner (University of Bremen), Yvonne Rogers (University College London), Jasmin Niess (University of St. Gallen, University of Oslo)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

SelVReflect: A Guided VR Experience Fostering Reflection on Personal Challenges

Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions: Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory

Francesco Chiossi (LMU Munich), Luke Haliburton (LMU Munich), Changkun Ou (LMU Munich), Andreas Butz (LMU Munich), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions: Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory

SparseIMU: Computational Design of Sparse IMU Layouts for Sensing Fine-Grained Finger Microgestures

Adwait Sharma (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany), Christina Salchow-Hömmen (Department of Neurology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany & Control Systems Group, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), Vimal Suresh Mollyn (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany), Aditya Shekhar Nittala (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany), Michael A. Hedderich (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany), Marion Koelle (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany), Thomas Seel (Control Systems Group, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany & Department of AI in Biomedical Engineering, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany), Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration, Journal | Links:

SparseIMU: Computational Design of Sparse IMU Layouts for Sensing Fine-Grained Finger Microgestures

Spatiality and Semantics - Towards Understanding Content Placement in Mixed Reality

Mats Ole Ellenberg (Interactive Media Lab Dresden,Technische Universität Dresden; Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), Technische Univerität Dresden), Marc Satkowski (Interactive Media Lab Dresden,Technische Universität Dresden; Centre for Scalable Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI), Dresden/Leipzig), Weizhou Luo (Interactive Media Lab Dresden,Technische Universität Dresden), Raimund Dachselt (Interactive Media Lab Dresden,Technische Universität Dresden; Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), Technische Univerität Dresden; Centre for Scalable Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI), Dresden/Leipzig; Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, Technische Universität Dresden)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Spatiality and Semantics - Towards Understanding Content Placement in Mixed Reality

Statistically Controlling for Processing Fluency Reduces the Aesthetic-Usability Effect

Jan Preßler (Julius-Maximilians-Universität), Lukas Schmid (Julius-Maximilians-Universität), Jörn Hurtienne (Julius-Maximilians-Universität)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Structural Equation Modeling in HCI Research using SEMinR

André Calero Valdez (University of Lübeck), Lilian Kojan (University of Lübeck), Nicholas Danks (Trinity College Dublin), Soumya Ray (National Tsing Hua University)

Abstract | Tags: Course | Links:

Structural Equation Modeling in HCI Research using SEMinR

Supervising Multiple Operating Rooms Using a Head-Worn display: A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Experience of Supervising Anesthesiologists and Their Co-Workers

Tobias Grundgeiger (University of Würzburg, Germany) Alea Münz (University Hospital Würzburg, Germany) Paul Schlosser (The University of Queensland, Australia) Oliver Happel (University Hospital Würzburg, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Sustainability by Design. How to Encourage Users to Choose Energy-Saving Programs and Settings when Washing Laundry

Laura Grönewald (Interaction Design for Sustainability, Transformation, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Julian Weiblen (Interaction Design for Sustainability, Transformation, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany), Matthias Laschke (Interaction Design for Sustainability, Transformation, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, Lara Christoforakos (Department Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Bavaria, Germany), Marc Hassenzahl (Ubiquitous Design / Experience & Interaction, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Sustainability by Design. How to Encourage Users to Choose Energy-Saving Programs and Settings when Washing Laundry

Tactile Symbols with Continuous and Motion-Coupled Vibration: An Exploration of using Embodied Experiences for Hermeneutic Design

Nihar Sabnis Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Dennis Wittchen Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany / University of Applied Sciences, Dresden, Saxony, Germany Gabriela Vega (Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany), Courtney N. Reed (Sensorimotor Interaction Group, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany), Paul Strohmeier Sensorimotor Interaction, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Tactile Symbols with Continuous and Motion-Coupled Vibration: An Exploration of using Embodied Experiences for Hermeneutic Design

Tailor Twist: Assessing Rotational Mid-Air Interactions for Augmented Reality

Dominik Schön (Technical University of Darmstadt), Thomas Kosch (HU Berlin), Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Martin Schmitz (Saarland Informatics Campus), Sebastian Günther (Technical University of Darmstadt), Lukas Bommhardt (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Text Me if You Can: Investigating Text Input Methods for Cyclists

Andrii Matviienko (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Jean-Baptiste Durand-Pierre (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Jona Cvancar (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

The Aachen Lab Demo: From Fundamental Perception to Design Tools

Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University), Anke Brocker (RWTH Aachen University), Sebastian Hueber (RWTH Aachen University), Oliver Nowak (RWTH Aachen University),; René Schäfer (RWTH Aachen University), Adrian Wagner (RWTH Aachen University), Paul Preuschoff (RWTH Aachen University), Lea Schirp (RWTH Aachen University)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

The Art of Privacy - A Theatrical Privacy Installation in Virtual Reality

Frederike Jung (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Jonah-Noël Kaiser (University of Oldenburg), Kai von Holdt (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Wilko Heuten (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology), Jochen Meyer (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

The Art of Privacy - A Theatrical Privacy Installation in Virtual Reality

The Entoptic Field Camera as Metaphor-Driven Research-through-Design with AI Technologies

Jesse Josua Benjamin (Department of Philosophy, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom), Heidi Biggs (College of Information Sciences, Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United States), Arne Berger (Computer Science, Languages, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Koethen, Germany), Julija Rukanskaitė (Julija.Works, Malmö, Sweden), Michael B. Heidt (Computer Science, Languages, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Koethen, Germany), Nick Merrill (Daylight Lab, Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States), James Pierce (School of Art + Art History + Design, University of Washington Seattle, Seattle, Washington, United States), Joseph Lindley (Lancaster University, Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom)"

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

The Fits’ Law Filter Bubble

Heiko Drewes (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: alt.chi | Links:

The Influence of Context on Response to Spear-Phishing Attacks: an In-Situ Deception Study

Verena Distler (University of Luxembourg, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

The Intricacies of Social Robots: Secondary Analysis of Fictional Documentaries to Explore the Benefits and Challenges of Robots in Complex Social Settings

Judith Dörrenbächer (Ubiquitous Design / Experience & Interaction, University of Siegen, Germany), Ronda Ringfort-Felner (Ubiquitous Design / Experience & Interaction, University of Siegen, Germany), Marc Hassenzahl (Ubiquitous Design / Experience & Interaction, University of Siegen, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

The Placebo Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Human-Computer Interaction

Thomas Kosch (HU Berlin), Robin Welsch (Aalto University), Lewis Chuang (Technische Universität Chemnitz), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

The S-BAN: Insights into the Perception of Shape-Changing Haptic Interfaces via Virtual Pedestrian Navigation

Adam Spiers (Imperial College London, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Eric Young (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems),, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)

Abstract | Tags: Journal | Links:

The S-BAN: Insights into the Perception of Shape-Changing Haptic Interfaces via Virtual Pedestrian Navigation

The Unwritten Manual of Becoming a Professor of HCI

Florian Michahelles (University of Vienna), Susanne Boll (University of Oldenburg), Katie A. Siek (University of Indiana Bloomington), Flora D. Salim (UNSW), Aaron J Quigley (UNSW)

Abstract | Tags: Course | Links:

The Walking Talking Stick: Understanding Automated Note-Taking in Walking Meetings

Luke Haliburton (LMU Munich), Natalia Bartłomiejczyk (Lodz University of Technology), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Paweł W. Woźniak (Chalmers University), Jasmin Niess (Oslo University)

Abstract | Tags: Best Paper, Full Paper | Links:

ThermalPen: Adding Thermal Haptic Feedback to 3D Sketching

Philipp Pascal Hoffmann (TU Darmstadt), Hesham Elsayed (TU Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (TU Darmstadt), Rina Wehbe (Dalhousie University), Mayra D. Barrera Machuca (Dalhousie University)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

ThermalPen: Adding Thermal Haptic Feedback to 3D Sketching

TicTacToes: Assessing Toe Movements as an Input Modality

Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Daniel Schmitt (TU Darmstadt), Andrii Matviienko (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Dominik Schön(TU Darmstadt), Sebastian Günther (TU Darmstadt) Thomas Kosch (HU Berlin), Martin Schmitz (Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarland University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

TicTacToes: Assessing Toe Movements as an Input Modality

Towards a Consensus Gesture Set: A Survey of Mid-Air Gestures in HCI for Maximized Agreement Across Domains

Masoumehsadat Hosseini (University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany), Tjado Ihmels (University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany), Ziqian Chen (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken), Marion Koelle (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany), Heiko Müller (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany), Susanne Boll (Media Informatics, Multimedia Systems, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Towards More Inclusive and Accessible Virtual Reality: Conducting Large-scale Studies in the Wild

Thereza Schmelter (Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Technologies), Lucie Kruse (Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg), Sukran Karaosmanoglu (Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg), Sebastian Rings(Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg), Frank Steinicke (Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Hamburg), Kristian Hildebrand (Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Technologies)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

Understanding and Mitigating Technology-Facilitated Privacy Violations in the Physical World

Maximiliane Windl (LMU Munich, Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)), Verena Winterhalter (LMU Munich), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Sven Mayer (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Understanding Perception of Human Augmentation: A Mixed-Method Study

Steeven Villa (LMU Munich), Jasmin Niess (University of Oslo), Takuro Nakao (Keio University), Jonathan Lazar (Maryland University), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich), Tonja Machulla (TU Chemnitz)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

Understanding Perception of Human Augmentation: A Mixed-Method Study

UndoPort: Exploring the Influence of Undo-Actions for Locomotion in Virtual Reality on the Efficiency, Spatial Understanding and User Experience

Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Arantxa (LMU Munich), Dominik Schön (TU Darmstadt), Julian Rasch (LMU Munich)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

UndoPort: Exploring the Influence of Undo-Actions for Locomotion in Virtual Reality on the Efficiency, Spatial Understanding and User Experience

Up, Up and Away - Investigating Information Needs for Helicopter Pilots in future Urban Air Mobility

Luca-Maxim Meinhardt (Ulm University), Mark Colley (Ulm University), Alexander Fassbender (Ulm University), Michael Rietzler (Ulm University), Enrico Rukzio (Um University)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible OR - Using VR, AR and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice

Anke V. Reinschluessel (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Thomas Muender (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Roland Fischer (CGVR, University of Bremen), Valentin Kraft (Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen), Verena N. Uslar (University Hospital for Visceral Surgery, University of Oldenburg), Dirk Weyhe (University Hospital for Visceral Surgery, Pius-Hospital Oldenburg), Andrea Schenk (Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS), Gabriel Zachmann (Mathematics, Computer Science, University of Bremen), Tanja Döring (Digital Media Lab / HCI Group, University of Bremen), Rainer Malaka (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible OR - Using VR, AR and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice

Virtual Tourism, Real Experience: A Motive-Oriented Approach to Virtual Tourism

Sara Wolf (Institute Human-Computer-Media, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würburg, Germany), Michael Weber (Institute Human-Computer-Media, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würburg, Germany), Jörn Hurtienne (Chair of Psychological Ergonomics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würburg, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

VR Almost There: Simulating Co-located Multiplayer Experiences in Social Virtual Reality

Philipp Sykownik (University of Duisburg-Essen), Sukran Karaosmanoglu (Universität Hamburg), Katharina Emmerich (University of Duisburg-Essen), Frank Steinicke (Universität Hamburg), Maic Masuch (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

VR, Gaze, and Visual Impairment: An Exploratory Study of the Perception of Eye Contact across different Sensory Modalities for People with Visual Impairments in Virtual Reality

Markus Wieland (University of Stuttgart), Michael Sedlmair (University of Stuttgart), Tonja-Katrin Machulla (TU Chemnitz)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

VRisbee: How Hand Visibility Impacts Throwing Accuracy and Experience in Virtual Reality

Malte Borgwardt (University of Bremen), Jonas Boueke (University of Bremen), María Fernanda Sanabria (University of Bremen), Michael Bonfert (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen), Robert Porzel (Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen)

Abstract | Tags: Late Breaking Work | Links:

VRisbee: How Hand Visibility Impacts Throwing Accuracy and Experience in Virtual Reality

Wearable Biofeedback for Knee Joint Health

Nataliya Rokhmanova (Haptic Intelligence Department, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)

Abstract | Tags: Doctoral Consortium | Links:

What does it mean to cycle in Virtual Reality? Exploring Cycling Fidelity and Control of VR Bicycle Simulators

Andrii Matviienko (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Hajris Hoxha (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links:

What's That Shape? Investigating Eyes-Free Recognition of Textile Icons

René Schäfer (RWTH Aachen University), Oliver Nowak (RWTH Aachen University), Lovis Suchmann (RWTH Aachen University), Sören Schröder(RWTH Aachen University), Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen University)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper, Interactivity/Demonstration | Links:

What's That Shape? Investigating Eyes-Free Recognition of Textile Icons

When XR and AI Meet - A Scoping Review on Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Teresa Hirzle (University of Copenhagen), Florian Müller (LMU Munich), Fiona Draxler (LMU Munich), Martin Schmitz (Saarland University), Pascal Knierim (Universität Innsbruck, Bundeswehr University Munich), Kasper Hornbæk (University of Copenhagen)

Abstract | Tags: Full Paper | Links: